Infant In Critical Condition After Being Shot in Mayor Lightfoot’s Chicago – IOTW Report

Infant In Critical Condition After Being Shot in Mayor Lightfoot’s Chicago

Breitbart: A 10-month-old girl is in critical condition after being shot Monday morning in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) Chicago.

Fox News reports the shooting occurred around 11:15 a.m. on the Bishop Ford Expressway while the infant and her 17-year-old mother were riding in a car driven by the mother’s 21-year-old boyfriend.

Fox 32 reports the boyfriend heard a gunshot and discovered the infant had been struck in the shoulder. read more

15 Comments on Infant In Critical Condition After Being Shot in Mayor Lightfoot’s Chicago

  1. The driver, a 21-year-old man, heard a single gunshot at 11:15 a.m. and then noticed the baby was injured, state police said.

    There’s more to that story that we’re not getting. “Noticed” seems an odd word under the circumstances. I wonder if that’s cop English or reporter English.

    A 21-yr-old boyfriend with a 17-yr-old mother of an infant approaching one year of age. Nobody’s saying if he’s the daddy; maybe the baby mama doesn’t know herself.

    You don’t suppose the boyfriend was the target and typical thug marksmanship resulted in the baby getting shot instead?

    BTW, that’s a mighty cute baby, except for the hair which looks sort of like Lightfoot’s coiffure.

    Another BTW, that’s a mighty nice agitprop graphic, @MJA!

  2. My son told me the other day that BLM also stands for Babies Lives Matter unless of course your baby happens to be black. He suggested someone should paint Babies Lives Matter in front of a Planned Barrenhood clinic and see how they react to it. I’m proud of my son, he’s starting to get it mainly because of his 2 daughters ages 4 and 1.

  3. AbigailAdams JULY 28, 2020 AT 11:46 PM
    “If her eyes were any further apart she’d be a flounder. Holy smoke! Maybe she is a flounder!!”

    …perhaps, but couldn’t you say “Holy MACKEREL! Maybe she is a flounder”?

    …it just keeps things fishy, and few things are fishier than a Black lesbian Democrat politician…

  4. I long for the first Mayor Dailey. Corrupt as heck, but the city was safer.

    Heck, I would even long for Boss Hogg if that were possible.

    Oh the good memories of going downtown for 5+ decades of my life. Marshall Fields, Bonwitt Tellers, Art Institute. Planetarium. Museums, The Cathedral for Sat Evening Mass before going to dinner, Dinner Dances at the Ritz Carlton or Mc Cormack Place, or Theater, Nutcracker Suite, Blues concerts in the park.

  5. @geoff the aardvark — Building on your admirable son’s admirable comment, what do you suppose the reaction would be if somebody painted


    in frond of a black neighborhood PP abortion house?

  6. Uncle Al July 29, 2020 at 1:03 am

    @geoff the aardvark — Building on your admirable son’s admirable comment, what do you suppose the reaction would be if somebody painted


    in frond of a black neighborhood PP abortion house?

    — They’ve already done that. The city sent workers out to scrub it off a few hours later.

  7. As long as we’re gettin’ all ASCII here, make that sign:



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