Informants Everywhere – IOTW Report

Informants Everywhere

After nine weeks of testimony from multiple government witnesses, including FBI agents, the Justice Department finally concluded its case-in-chief in the Proud Boys’ seditious conspiracy trial on Monday.

Five Proud Boys, including the group’s leader, Enrique Tarrio, are accused of conspiring to “oppose the lawful transfer of presidential power by force” on January 6, 2021. It is Attorney General Merrick Garland’s most consequential case related to January 6; convictions will help build a similar case against Donald Trump largely based on his infamous “stand back and stand by” remark to the Proud Boys during an October 2020 presidential debate.

Most of the evidence is nothing more than inflammatory, braggadocious chatter in group texts; Tarrio wasn’t even present at the Capitol on January 6. Another defendant, Ethan Nordean, can be seen on surveillance video walking through an open door as Capitol police stood nearby.

Similar to other so-called “militia” groups tied to January 6, no one brought weapons to the Capitol that day; no one was charged with assaulting police officers or lawmakers. A key piece of evidence that prosecutors claimed was a road map for the “attack” on the Capitol wasn’t produced by any Proud Boy but by a former intelligence asset who himself sent the plan to Tarrio through a third party.

The document represented just one more instance of how a government agent helped shape the government’s narrative that the Proud Boys plotted in advance to carry out an “insurrection” on January 6. In fact, much like the FBI-engineered plan to “kidnap” Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in 2020, court proceedings confirm that FBI assets might outnumber criminal defendants. more

8 Comments on Informants Everywhere

  1. the last presidential
    election was about as lawful as a tiajuna whorehouse.
    I take that back…. a tiajuna whorehouse is probably more ethical than our elections will ever be again.

  2. in 1947 (I think for the first time, at least first time I read it) a conservative, Dem, union president in Cal said,
    I knew he was right then; and I am sure he was right today.

    FBI is part of government so as Ronny said IT IS THE PROBLEM!

    I am sure were Julie old enough – I admit to age – she’d voted for Ronny as i did 9 times! qualification
    before GWB put mueller – 9/01- it was good. Hoover in ’42 gave “Wild Bill” a list of 50 KGB agents working on our Abomb and space program. in 1990 when Mikey gave exPresident Ronny a list of 1,000 KGB folk spying in America from 1940 to 1980every one was on the list. Had “Wild
    Bill: -as most CIA /OSS leaders are, including GHWB – not been a liberal USSR would not have had “the bomb” until ~1960 and Sputnik 1965. 2 of those hoover wanted to get were eventually killed AFTER USSR HAD THE BOMB!
    Before mueller FBi did protect peasants -ME!

  3. Reminds me of the cartoon, a bunch (flock?) of wolves-in-sheep-clothing, two wolves standing up, pulling off their masks, one says “wait! Are any of us here actually sheep?!”


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