INFOWARS Scrubbed From Facebook – IOTW Report

INFOWARS Scrubbed From Facebook


There’s yet more Alex Jones/Infowars  news. Facebook yanked four of the conspiracy theorist’s videos from its platform last week, and now it has finally taken more stringent action after it removed four Infowars pages from the social network entirely.

Over the weekend Spotify, Stitcher and Apple all removed Infowars audio content from their platforms days after YouTube and then Facebook pulled four videos that were found to violate community standards.

A refresher for those who need it: Infowars has broadcast a range of conspiracy theories which have included claims 9/11 was an inside job and alternate theories to the San Bernardino shootings, while it has encouraged harassment of families of victims of the Sandy Hook shooting among other things.

Yet despite much attention on the organization and its use of social media, Facebook’s efforts to handle Infowars have been confusing.

One of the four videos it removed had actually been cleared following a complaint one month ago, while the video purge saw Facebook  hand a 30-day ban to Jones’ personal account but the Infowars page — where the content was posted — was able to continue on as normal. That was down to the Facebook system of warnings/accumulated warnings for content violations and nothing to do with peddling fake news. That’s apparently ok.

Indeed, the four Infowars pages that have been “unpublished” — the Alex Jones Channel Page, the Alex Jones Page, the InfoWars Page and the Infowars Nightly News Page — were punished for “repeated violations of Community Standards and accumulating too many strikes” after more videos and content were reported to Facebook by users of the social network.

“Upon review, we have taken [the pages] down for glorifying violence, which violates our graphic violence policy, and using dehumanizing language to describe people who are transgender, Muslims and immigrants, which violates our hate speech policies,” the company explained in an announcement.


19 Comments on INFOWARS Scrubbed From Facebook

  1. I keep seeing the term ‘hate’ used in justification of removing InfoWars. I don’t know what videos or text they are referring to, I don’t follow InfoWars except Paul Joseph Watson, but I have trouble believing that there is ‘hate’ in any of the posts. Perhaps conspiracies that I don’t buy into, perhaps recognition of jihadists – oh, it’s that last one isn’t it.

  2. They don’t distort news items anywhere near what is common on the left. If something seems incredible then look to confirm their claims elsewhere. They’ve been ahead of the curve on some seemingly unbelievable news stories that have proven accurate.

  3. A few days ago a friend of mine tried to post a video link from Infowars on FB and instead got a message that said something to the effect that the link he was trying to publish could contain misleading info, hate speech and a couple of other things. So in trying to keep the community safe from hate the link would not be allowed to stay.

    Yet CNN is on in every airport around the world putting out their BS on a daily basis.

  4. PJW is the best thing to come out of InfoWars but CNN, PMSNBC, and the rest of the lap dog media post crazier hatier stuff.
    Not to mention the leftists who kill babies, islamists, antifa, etc and on and on ad nauseum.

  5. Isn’t what Alex does op-ed? We’re not allowed to have an opinion anymore? Well, I hate anchovies. I tell everyone I can that anchovies are disgusting. That means the food nazis are coming to take ALL of my food away.


  6. When will Facebook remove the MSM for pushing the Trump/Russia conspiracy theory that has resulted in shootings, beatings and mob action against Trump supporters?

  7. so the left runs fb and twitter. Whats left? nothing. You can mention GAB but most people say “huh?” There is/are no alternative social media sites that are anywhere near their popularity.

    i wish Trump would duplicate his notes using GAB. That would help.

  8. Spotify just banned infowars.

    Apple, Facebook, Spotify all within 12 hours of each other. That is not coincidence. It’s a coordinated attack on the 1st Amendment.

    It doesn’t matter if you like infowars, hate Alex Jones or just don’t care. It starts with infowars. Who is next?

    When will we care? When iOTWr is banned from the internet?

    This is true election interference.

  9. Conspiracy theories?
    Those “conspiracy theories” seem more and more plausible to me, considering what is happening all around us.
    And now YouTube and other social media have banned Infowars entirely.
    Considering how the U.S. alphabet agencies, corrupt politicians and media appear to be in cahoots, many “conspiracy theories” seem very likely true.

  10. If they’re worried about conspiracy theories, why are
    9-11, ufo, holocaust, jfk, big foot, bermuda triangle, and moon landing conspiracy pages and videos still up?

    Why are pro-palestine, jihad, isis stuff still available?


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