“Insensitive” Items Removed From Gift Shop During Van Gogh Exhibit in London – IOTW Report

“Insensitive” Items Removed From Gift Shop During Van Gogh Exhibit in London

The Art Newspaper

The Courtauld Gallery in London has removed two items from its gift shop and online retail platform relating to the artist Vincent Van Gogh after some arts commentators claimed that the products belittled mental health issues.

Rather than give the game, I’m interested in what items you think were tasteless enough that the Gallery had to remove them from public sale. Story Here

37 Comments on “Insensitive” Items Removed From Gift Shop During Van Gogh Exhibit in London

  1. An ear eraser and soap. I can see where the soap would get a few people excited. Most mentally ill people don;’t know when they smell. Dunno where to place the ear eraser, it’s got me stumped. I could see if it were shaped like a short bus or something like that.

  2. Let’s see, the London gallery is making money holding the exhibit and I’m sure those who own the masterpieces are getting a share. So how much of a cut will the gallery (and owners) give to mental health organizations to help the mentally ill? I mean I think it is insensitive to take advantage of a tortured artist even if he is not alive

  3. Aside from the obviously ludicrous sensitivity someone is overdoing, the Courtauld Gallery is one of London’s hidden gems. It’s full of great paintings and has a wonderful inner courtyard. Considering how many famous, great artists were manic-depressives, alcoholics, misogynists, wife-beaters, drug addicts, misanthropes, racists, homosexualists, womanizers and other types of seedy, talented, interesting characters, the Courtauld Gallery is going to be severely limiting their gift shop sales.

  4. Woke progtards: “we take mental illness extremely seriously. So much, in fact, that we fight every day for a mentally ill person to live in a tent beside a busy highway, and for them to steal from everyone in order to get drugs that will kill them sooner than later.”

  5. A big plastic or rubber ear with Van Gogh’s well known “signature” signature in one corner, i.e., “Vincent”, would be a nice addition to my mantel.

    Painting on velvet with dogs playing poker with Van Gogh, who has cut his ear off and thrown it in the pot in one last attempt to get a winning hand. Title of painting: Vincent’s Last Hand.

    A table top sculpture of Van Gogh’s wife pulling him along by his one good ear. “Vincent, you come home right now or I’ll cut off your other ear”.

  6. “Painting on velvet with dogs playing poker with Van Gogh, who has cut his ear off and thrown it in the pot in one last attempt to get a winning hand. Title of painting: Vincent’s Last Hand.”

    FUR!!!! I want this painting. Make it happen.


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