Intel Wing of Deep State Warns Biden to Drop Out of the Race – IOTW Report

Intel Wing of Deep State Warns Biden to Drop Out of the Race

Washington Times

Washington Post columnist David Ignatius, a prominent liberal voice in the media and supporter of President Biden, has joined the ranks of those who believe he should not run in 2024.

The column bluntly calls for Mr. Biden — and Vice President Kamala Harris — to drop out of the 2024 race.

Mr. Biden, 80, is too old, Mr. Ignatius said, and Mrs. Harris is too unpopular. More

11 Comments on Intel Wing of Deep State Warns Biden to Drop Out of the Race

  1. Yea, ol’ JD can condense Mr Ignatius’ remarks down to four words: Jump or be pushed.

    Anyone who believes the Deep State would have any qualms liquidating this pair of abject morons now that they are done with them shouldn’t be allowed out in public unsupervised.

  2. Boy oh boy, hey look there’s a squirrel! The only one going down is the sad little man, you all know him. He’ll take as many prisoners as he can. He’s doing his best stall tactics, eventually those will be all used up.

  3. AOC will be old enough to assume office at the swearing in.

    Probably too early, we need another generation of the indoctrinated courtesy of the government schools first.

    I have predicted in the past and still do believe that she will be president one day. Hopefully I’ll be reduced to just gray ash by then.

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