Intellectual Froglegs – NEW Show! – IOTW Report

Intellectual Froglegs – NEW Show!

Holy crap, it’s good to be back!

Few will argue that 2020 has been The Year from Hell — it damn sure hit us here at Intellectual Froglegs (technical and health issues) but that’s behind us now.

While I was away… I assembled a small team of talented people. Bottom Line: Better and More Frequent programming. Thank you for your patience.

Now here we are days before 2020 election… and I’m not telling you anything, we ALL KNOW this THE most historic election EVER —- and we are not going to allow it to be stolen.

The stakes are SO high—we dare not rest easy until the election is over.

While I am extremely confident – I ask that we all pray.

14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (2 Chron 7:14)

Link to new show.

11 Comments on Intellectual Froglegs – NEW Show!

  1. “14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (2 Chron 7:14)”

    I believe that! God will answer.

  2. Pray, then vote, then pray again.
    Our Lord blessed this country to be a beacon for others. If we humbly ask his forgiveness for how we have strayed in so many ways from him, he will forgive and bless us again.
    He has given us a chance to redeem our country with Trump as our temporal leader at this time.

  3. After being a viewer of Intellectual Froglegs for several years I just became a monthly subscriber tonight. Joe Dan puts out great stuff.

    He’s a national treasure and deserves support like I have given to the IOTW team.

    Say. When’s the last time you hit IOTWs tip jar, by the way?

    Toss a few bucks their way you dog faced pony soldiers.

    They inform and entertain and suffer our inane commentary. It’s a community. Low budget. No fees and wide open.

    Donate to both. Right now.

  4. No one can sum it up like JDG, the editing, the present day context…plus that soundtrack of our times?

    IOTWr-minus the r- was in the longest credits since the Lord of the Rings…or maybe Spartucus?

    @25:00 – that is the animated version of @BFH Paul Revere design.

    Thanks C.


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