Interview With Man Who Was With Rittenhouse – Eye Opening – IOTW Report

Interview With Man Who Was With Rittenhouse – Eye Opening

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ht/ hot salsa

16 Comments on Interview With Man Who Was With Rittenhouse – Eye Opening

  1. I’m still betting the Governor and Mayor will see the charges are dropped before it goes to trial. They own this.
    We had a visit from ANTIFABLM last night in Old Hangtown again. Signage read “Lose the Noose”. Several were apparently spelled “Loose The Noose”. About 100 BLM trying to march down Main Street. About 1000 red necks with untucked shirts lining the streets.If your shirts untucked in this county it means you got a gun underneath it. About 50 ANTIFA were found tucked down a side street. The enforcer brigade. Wrong damn county for that. The Sheriffs Department forced them to remove their masks and took photos. A couple arrests were made. They all left by 9:00. Both my boys were there and told me it was one American flag and Trump flag after another lining the streets with the Sheriffs thanking the citizens for showing up.

  2. I don’t think “Walt” would make a good defense witness with regard to details about the first shooting because he just wasn’t an eye witness to the event. That’s the one that wasn’t clearly captured on video, and probably the one in which Kyle is most vulnerable. The other two shootings have much more video coverage that demonstrates the threat to Kyle’s life.

    However, “Walt” is a good witness to testify as to the overall level of threat and danger that was present on the street, which caused Kyle to fear for his life. One thing that I learned from the interview was how much peripheral shooting was going on. You sure didn’t hear about that on CNN – hell, according to them, the three pantifa victims were only there to help others in need.

  3. “Walt’s” description of what he witnessed that night is absolutely chilling. No one in the media is coming forward with truthful accurate details of exactly what happened in Kenosha that night.
    I am becoming convinced that conservatives are very late to the party.

  4. @Bad_Brad – what Uncle Al said…as usual.

    We have two of our own that we are preparing…

    I found the interview interesting. Now I understand at least who he was there with! His OLDER brother…now, does THAT in of itself make ‘being there to help’ any more or less damaging to the case??

    Being there with a legal companion of age??

  5. I watched this interview earlier today. If I recall correctly Walt stated that Rittenhouse called 911 for medical attention for the guy Walt witnessed Rittenhouse shoot. I had not heard that reported before, but that should be easy enough to verify.

  6. Uncle Al/Ghost

    I’m sure I raised mine the same as you guys, but thanks. They’re telling me they have a couple good videos. If they are worth a shit I’ll pass them on to FUR. This is the WRONG county for Antifa to try that shit in.

  7. Stirrin’,
    I felt exactly as you did.
    Walt was a good advocate, but Rittenhouse’s hurdle is the first shooting.
    Not much is known about his imminent danger for that one. I’ve heard a brick in bag was thrown at him, and/or, a Molotov Cocktail. There is also a witness, a journalist, who says that Rittenhouse was being advanced on at the used car lot.
    I hope he is cleared of all charges. It’s not like he was out there looking to murder someone, unlike the “unfortunate victims.”
    The other shootings were clearly self-defense.

  8. Sounds to me like the pedo-fascist who was smoked first (the first motherfucker in this chain) got smoked from behind.

    Rittenhouse didn’t do that unless the pedo-fascist was spinning like a dervish as he got plugged.

    Chances are the pedo-fascist was friendly fire in the shot that killed him.

    The shot that killed the pedo was not the thigh, or the hand, or the grazing shot to the skull. The shot that wrecked his shit was from the other side.

  9. Erik, I’ve been saying that since I saw the medical examiner’s words. Who shot him in the back? McGinnis said he was behind child rapist and slightly to the right. He said child rapist tried to grab barrel of gun Kyle R fired 3 rounds, what he told police, he told Tucker he fired 4 rounds, then child rapist collapsed. He also said one of the bullets was fired into the ground and he thought he had been shot.

    I don’t think this ever goes to trial, I see them quietly dropping it when they think nobody is paying attention anymore. I would though like to see the ballistics.


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