Interview With Security Expert Cut Short on Fox News After Stating Dems Wish for Donald Trump’s Demise – IOTW Report

Interview With Security Expert Cut Short on Fox News After Stating Dems Wish for Donald Trump’s Demise


Former Navy SEAL Johnathan Gilliam appeared on FOX News to discuss the latest assassination attempts against the life of President Trump.

After outlining the reality of President Trump’s perimeter proximity not being secured by Secret Service, Mr Gilliam expands the conversation to ask if this is continual mistakes or whether a systemic security issue exists.  Gilliam notes the rhetoric of the Democrat Party over the last several years that support the contention that “democrats want President Trump dead,” Fox News host Stuart Varney gets upset calling such a perspective “a conspiracy theory.”  Immediately thereafter the interview was ended. More

Gilliam’s Bio Here

17 Comments on Interview With Security Expert Cut Short on Fox News After Stating Dems Wish for Donald Trump’s Demise

  1. I’ve totally lost count of how many times I’ve said ,”Yeah, Murdock is a POS and is ruining Foxnews but X is a good dude and a straight shooter”, only to find that he/she is indeed a lapdog and a sycophant, willing to whore his principles for money.

    Fox business was the last hold out for me. Unless they fire everyone and bring Lou Dobbs back, it’s adios bitches.

  2. Over 8 years of aggressive words, actions, misrepresentations, lies and Democrat Party Rhetoric (also known as propaganda) are not conspiracy theories.
    Aren’t comparisons to dictators, Hitler, Nazis, Mussolini and threat to democracy fan the flames of Violent actions by mentally imbalanced Socialists, Marxists, Communists and Democrats?

    It’s clear for those major scripted Legacy media where Truth is not spoken but, feared by the cowardly.

    It is better by assenting to truth to conquer opinion, than by assenting to opinion to be conquered by truth.
    ~~ Epictetus (Enchiridion)

    Not one of the Legacy media fully embraced Truth which is quite disgusting.

    Lying is Satan’s primary weapon against God’s children. Satan was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him.

  3. @Uncle

    I think you have remembered a line from 1932 Dracula, except it was “I’m not that sure about you.”

    Coincidentally, there was a fictional Varney the Vampire…maybe that’s good old Stuart, sucking the life out of honest interviewing and reporting.


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