“Invasion” – IOTW Report


invasion ted cruz

Video Here

See Ted’s plan to stop illegal immigration at FixOurBorder.com

h/t C Steven Tucker

14 Comments on “Invasion”

  1. well to me this is just another example of trying to rely on big government to solve a problem the American citizen can solve on his own.

    a lot of us are armed and have the proper mindset to stop the illegal invasion.

    all we have to do is develop the resolve. attend to the border and use our armed presence to stop the flow.

    no government is needed to protect ourselves from invasion.

    relying on them only leads to being held hostage to the situation as they never defeat the problem only offer more solutions that always restrict our rights while never solving the problem. it’s in their nature.

  2. I applaud Senator Cruz’s campaign ad and thought it was darn clever of him to put the economic impact of illegal aliens into terms that most everyone can understand. His work in the senate has been tireless. It’s too bad he didn’t come out, guns a’blazin’, with this hard line stance at the beginning of his campaign, though. He (and other candidates) have gotten in line behind Trump on so many of the issues. I have legitimate concerns about his super-PAC allegiance and his ability to connect with enough cross-over voters to win the GE against hillary — she and her husband will be ruthless and I don’t think Cruz has enough of the street fighter in him to outlast her. And his super-PAC funders will be a liability in her attacks on him.

  3. I live 20 miles north of Juarez. There is a new port of entry near El Paso. It’s state of the art. However, under the newly constructed bridge there is a moat. In this moat, there are venomous snakes, giant bullfrogs and very high grass. A boarder patrol agent told my husband that the illegals are scared to cross this at this point.
    Nature is the fence.

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