IOC Still Mulling Over Which Russians Allowed In Olympics – IOTW Report

IOC Still Mulling Over Which Russians Allowed In Olympics

After passing the buck to the individual sports federations two weeks ago, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has formed a three person panel to make a final determination of which Russian athletes will be banned from this year’s Olympics due to the country’s active participation in doping its athletes.

The IOC panel has five days to review the cases of 250 Russian athletes who were all cleared by their particular sports federations. The IOC has been roundly criticized for not banning all Russian athletes as punishment for the entire nation for the systematic state supported cheating that went on for years.


Which Russian athletes are in and which are out, Here

 If a Russian medals in any sport this year won’t it be tainted by the whole scandal?

1 Comment on IOC Still Mulling Over Which Russians Allowed In Olympics

  1. If I were Putin I’d pull a Jimmy Carter and pull out. Why risk your finest professional soldiers,marines, special forces, trans genders etc. exposure to disease,muggings, building collapses and so forth just for a few medals? Hell no, Don’t go!

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