iOTW contributor soils his shorts – IOTW Report

iOTW contributor soils his shorts

in maui now.

civil defence announcement on cell phone….incoming ICBM.  Holy crap!

Panic at the airport.  1/2 hour later….whoops!  never mind.

Now I’m going the the restroom to change my underwear. – Jethro


Panic in Hawaii as Civil Defense accidentally issues alert for ‘inbound ballistic missile threat’.


35 Comments on iOTW contributor soils his shorts

  1. Seek shelter? Seek shelter?!

    WTF, there isn’t any shelter from a nuclear attack. You have two choices: you can kiss your ass good by or you can kiss your ass good by.

    Reading some of the twitter comments like huddling under mattresses in a bathtub are pretty sad. Ever seen the pictures from Nagasaki or Hiroshima which would be like a hand grenade compared to what we have now. Perhaps open a cold drink or hung your loved ones good by cause that’s about all you got.

    Waiting to here what it might have been like at the airports…

  2. The 2000 Lb B-61’s We used to sling on F-16’s back in 84′ were

    10X more powerful than the two dropped on Japan…and that was 33

    years ago…You’re gonna need a pretty big lead apron.

  3. Somebody ought to get canned over this but they won’t Best part of the story was the last two lines;

    “A 16-page bulletin released by emergency management authorities in California warned people to beware of radioactive pets.”

  4. Man, I bet it’s the President’s fault
    He’s supposed to roll over and let the Koreans and all other enemies of America do what they want, and now he’s made them mad.
    Oh wait, False Alarm?
    Damn that President Trump! Ever since he’s been in office everything is is coming apart.

  5. My mother, sister and brother in law are on the big island. I just finished speaking with them. My mother slept through it and the no go alert came after approximately 30 minutes. Aloha!

  6. Probably a lot more exited than I was when I heard my first tsunami warning shortly after I moved to a beach front apartment in Waianae. Now days residents of Waianae mostly worry about surviving one of highest crime rate communities in the country.

  7. O’Baja’s choom buddy came in from his break and set his bong down on the alarm.
    Why is everybody so harsh?
    I loved how President Trump was automatically the culprit, when it was the local bra’s fault.

  8. Duck and cover. Then die of ARS anyway because there is no Civil Defense or national fallout shelter program.

    One of the reasons I can’t stand the farce that is our federal government.

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