Iowa: Illegal alien found guilty in murder of student Mollie Tibbetts – IOTW Report

Iowa: Illegal alien found guilty in murder of student Mollie Tibbetts

Just the News: An Iowa jury on Friday convicted farmhand and illegal Cristhian Bahena Rivera of first-degree murder in the 2018 killing of college student Mollie Tibbetts.

The case drew national attention when former President Trump and other Republicans connected the death to what they argued was too lax U.S. immigration laws.

The jury, in a Davenport court, deliberated for seven hours over two days before coming back with the verdict against Rivera, a Mexican national, according to NBC News. the 24-year-old Rivera who led investigators to Tibbetts’ body in a Brooklyn, Iowa, corn field nearly one month after she went jogging on July 18, now nearly three years ago, and vanished. MORE

14 Comments on Iowa: Illegal alien found guilty in murder of student Mollie Tibbetts

  1. As I remember, Mollie Tibbett’s Libtard parents started off defending the killer invader. I hope I’m wrong. If not, sacrificing your daughter is woke I guess,

  2. Yeah Brad, I remember her parents said some ridiculous things. I don’t remember specifically, but they weren’t what I would have been thinking. Libs through and through.

  3. Let us also not forget Kate Steinle. That one really upset me with the illegal criminal accident/ shooting at birds/ didn’t intend excuses.

    I want to see these criminals Hung the olde fashioned way with hand made rope.

  4. A lot of the Parents of these victims release statements after they have been managed and briefed by professionals.

    If It was me, I would openly say I want VENGEANCE not “justice”.

    God and Christ will pass judgement & forgiveness if they deserve it. But you must ask for & be worthy of his mercy.

  5. Kcir
    MAY 28, 2021 AT 11:11 PM

    “God and Christ will pass judgement & forgiveness if they deserve it. But you must ask for & be worthy of his mercy.”

    …oft it is said that only God can truly judge, and it is so.

    …but I don’t see why a relative of the raped and murdered shouldn’t arrange the perp’s date on God’s docket by the speediest and most painful way possible…


    The people who go to great and stupid links to defend these murderers, yet insist you be unable to constitutionally defend yourself from crime, WANT YOU ENSLAVED OR DEAD.

    There is no other explanation.

  7. This illegal shit stain, if we had a true justice system, should have been frog marched out of the court after he was convicted and led to a gallows and immediately hung until his worthless, evil life was terminated.

    Now this piece of shit will be fed and housed at taxpayer expense for the rest of his life (maybe not) and will file continuous appeals, again at taxpayers expense, until some communist death democrat judge frees him on appeal.

    Their ain’t no justice in this country anymore.

  8. Liberals are idiots, the first thing I ever taught my daughter once she was old enough to comprehend is situational awareness.

    A female jogging alone in the country without a firearm. I feel bad for you ladies that you can’t even enjoy nature, but nature always has beasts ready to devour you.

    Liberals look at beasts and see saints.

    We look at saints and see the beasts.

    Thus we live, they die.


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