Iran Playing Stupid Games – Gonna Win Stupid Prizes – IOTW Report

Iran Playing Stupid Games – Gonna Win Stupid Prizes

32 Comments on Iran Playing Stupid Games – Gonna Win Stupid Prizes

  1. This action by Iran has the look of someone trying to suck Trump into a losing situation. Trump needs to be careful, he’s being set up. If Iran escalates in a big way we need to blast the shit of them. If this is all they have I’d sit and let this pass. It’s a trap.

  2. We not only have the RIGHT to kill monsters.

    We have the OBLIGATION to kill monsters before they kill our kids.

    Children are the best of all if us. Get in the fight or stay out of the way.

  3. It looks like the Mad Mullahs are trying to help Bernie Sanders or Joey Biden become the next President of the United States. Maybe that’s their game. They must think they are going to influence the outcome of our elections with some lousy missiles that are tearing up the empty desert in Iraq.

  4. Iran may have one or more nuclear weapons purchased from the verges of the Soviet Union when it collapsed. They would have had to hire French or Russian scientists to keep it viable (tritium regeneration and possibly plutonium pit re-machining), but they may well have one or two.

    I hope they use them. On Washington DC. Right now.

  5. I say let it go. IF this is equality to them I’ll take it.

    Besides, we get to leave the area and they keep Middle East ‘face’.

    Another DJT win/win.

    ^^^ up there @ ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ – very interesting, did they just take out a plane load of their own people to blame it on US(a)??

  6. Maybe someone pointed this out — I haven’t read all the comments.

    We can’t let this slide. Iran has been threatening the Greater and Lesser Satans for a long time. Like any school yard bully, they need their ears pinned back — every single time. Otherwise we’re right back to where we started with them.

  7. Ghost, I’m with you. These guys lobbed up junk and didn’t(so far) kill any US Troops. I’m betting this was a deliberate target “miss” to appease the nutz in that country. Trump should take this as an accomplishment. We took out an evil devil and they hopefully got zip. Maybe they just damaged the air base facilities. If so, we should finish destroying it and get out of Iraq as the Iraqi parliament voted. Let them kill each other and warn Iran if they do kill one American directly or by proxy……they get lit……

  8. aa, kill them or give them pallets of cash, their ideology remains the same

    we are the infidel and deserve suffering and death

    may god bless trump for his courage and strength against headwinds never experienced by any other potus, and curse obama for trying to drive america over the cliff

  9. This is iran being the asshole in the backseat with a finger 1 inch from your arm and smirking, ‘I’m not touching yeeew I’m not touching yeeew.”

    If they touch the arm, though, they get boot to the face.

  10. Sink Iran’s navy. Use submarines and drones — 0 U.S. Casualties
    Destroy Iran’s air force on the ground. Use drones — 0 U.S. Casualties
    Close Iran’s ports. Use thermobaric weapons — few U.S. Casualties
    Demolish Iran’s nuclear sites — Use Israelis — 0 U.S. Casualties
    Support popular uprising — few U.S. Casualties

    Done done.

  11. Sounds like the plane was shot down by an Iranian missile defense weapon. Oops sorry bout that. Who was on it? So, do we have an earthquake generator? Two earthquakes tonight too.

  12. The mullahs are graduates of the Achmed ACME Coyote School of military strategy. President Trump has already set up a fake roadrunner at the end of the cliff and Iran is headed right for it. No worries – stock up on the popcorn and don’t pay any attention to the leftist media.

  13. PDJT is a long-game player. He does not act unless he is several steps ahead. He’s thought this out for a long time, and has assessed every contingency with his generals.

    Remember when PDJT had to sign his giant budget first budget begrudgening? It was because the military was in such piss poor shape after being sabotaged by obama for eight years, and the military was fully funded again, building furiously for the past three years.

    obama is a sleazy, treasonous cocksucker who must be brought to justice.


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