WashingtonTimes: Iran’s Revolutionary Guard is planning to build a statue of the U.S. sailors who were captured in Iranian waters earlier this year and display it as a “tourist attraction,” a senior officer said.
“There are very many photographs of the major incident of arresting U.S. Marines in the Persian Gulf in the media and we intend to build a symbol out of them inside one of our naval monuments,” Commander Ali Fadavi, the head of the Guard’s naval forces told Iran’s Defense Press news agency.
… to which Barak Obama responded by threatening to erect a statue of Jimmy Carter threatening to annihilate Iran if they don’t release the hostages in 1981.
Oh, wait . . .
How about we build a statue of a mushroom cloud exploding over Tehran! It’s time to wipe these barbarians off the face of the Earth.
obama will be available for the ribbon cutting, if Iran hurries up and casts the statue. Another free trip and photo op with islamic leaders he supports.
It’ll be a goddam fountain, with geysers of tears erupting from the eyeholes.
The people of Iran, at least the older ones, love America. Nuking Tehran would hurt them. I’d suggest nuking Qom, the religious capital.
For a true monument of this historic event they should include John Kerry and Ash Carter in the background, directing the operation. For shame!
I bet the great negotiator, John the-snake Kerry has arranged for the US to over pay for the statue. And Barrack will only visit it, if there is a golf course attached.
How’s about we erect a statue of the USS Vincennse shooting down Iran Air flight 655.
“Captured” my ass.
Spook operation … something was delivered …
considering the actors, something to be used against America and/or Israel … designs on how to keep a nuke from shaking apart on liftoff … or how to increase yield … or a better shaped charge with a faster wavefront …
president trump’s first order should be a drone strike to disintegrate that statue.
BTW Are those sailors still being debriefed? Will we ever know “the rest of the story”?
Hopefully, our next real president will “donate” a big glass parking lot for all the moslems who would go there to gawk.
Fuck Iran. Wish I still had that bumper sticker.