Iranian Citizens Take to The Streets to Celebrate the Victory of ‘The Great Satan’ Over the Regime’s Team – IOTW Report

Iranian Citizens Take to The Streets to Celebrate the Victory of ‘The Great Satan’ Over the Regime’s Team


Iranians took to the streets to celebrate the United States beating their country in the World Cup tournament on Tuesday, halting their advancement.

The United States scored a 1-0 victory against Iran on Tuesday after a hard-fought game that saw star player Christian Pulisic taking a serious injury to score the winning goal. More

4 Comments on Iranian Citizens Take to The Streets to Celebrate the Victory of ‘The Great Satan’ Over the Regime’s Team

  1. what? where? who? Not sure drunk slug trails on the screen mean anything. nor do social media posts in general.

    Sure USA, take it as a celebration of a loss, although it looks like a U.S. city championship celebration as much as anything else.

  2. OUR

    The Canuckistan men’s team.

    They SUCKED in all 3 games.

    Game #2:
    The Coach ran his mouth BEFORE & said “We’ll Kill Croatia.”
    Croatia got PISSED since it was made personal. 4-1 Croatia wins.
    Canadian Coach refuses to shake hands after the game.
    A real Classless Big Mouth Asshole who used to coach the Women’s team. Literally, he was the women’s coach a few years ago, & we all know what a major $$$$ Maker women’s soccer is Eh Rapinoe?

    Game 3: Today
    They were down 2 goals in the first 30-ish minutes.

    The only reason I know is because my regular radio shows were scrubbed to broadcast these shitheads. (all 3 stations – 2 sports & 1 Business) Then 24/7 at night getting promoted.

    Guess what, as a taxpayer, Canuckistan is hosting some of the games in 4 years along with the States.

    So, Fuckoff Soccer & go Lay some Bricks or Build something Useful!

    Tonight its the BILLS vs The PATRIOTS. That’s a MANS sport!


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