Iranian Terrorists Demand $80 Million to Stop Mass Ecological Disaster – IOTW Report

Iranian Terrorists Demand $80 Million to Stop Mass Ecological Disaster


Iranian-backed Houthi terrorists in Yemen are demanding tens of millions of dollars in ransom cash to permit environmentalists to rescue a “structurally deteriorating” offshore oil tanker and prevent a humanitarian disaster that would be far worse than the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill, in a tense standoff that critics are likening to “eco-terrorism.”

At this point, no one has agreed to pay off the Houthis, though the demand for hard cash is not inconceivable given the scant global blowback the Obama administration received in 2015 when it sent $1.7 billion in cash pallets to Tehran in order to secure freedom for several Americans imprisoned there.

Deploying a ransom tactic used by their Iranian patrons, the Houthi rebels are demanding $80 million to permit United Nations teams to inspect the deserted SAFER tanker, which has been stranded in waters near Yemen and is viewed by experts as a “floating bomb.”

With the potential for a large-scale ecological disaster growing by the day, the Houthi rebels continue to block all access to the stranded tanker, setting the stage for a tense showdown between the Iranian-backed militants and the international community. read more here

14 Comments on Iranian Terrorists Demand $80 Million to Stop Mass Ecological Disaster

  1. How about a couple of U.S. warships escort a empty tanker there to pump the stranded one dry, then tow the stranded tanker to port to be scrapped. Terrorists get 0$ not even money for scrapping out the stranded ship. If they try to stop the process, they can go to see Allah to find out if there are 70 virgins for each of them that ceased to exist.

  2. All they had to do was get a law degree in the U.S. and call themselves “environmentalists”. Then sue the government for millions every time it tries to do a project.

  3. Blow it in place. Let the oil spill. Mother Nature will clean up eventually, WITHOUT man’s intervention. It will take awhile, though. It’s only the Yemeni coastline, a shiite hole among shiite holes. If they don’t care then neither do we. Fak’eem. Fak’eem all.

  4. the Environmental Industry is well funded. I’m talking tens of billions funded. Let them ransom that rustbucket tanker. They can afford it.

    But I doubt they’ll do it. That $80MM bribe would cut into the extravagant lifestyles of their staffs’ deluxe vacation/ meeting sites, Gulfstream private jet transportation, caviar & champagne addictions.

    Two things to know about professional “Environmentalists”:
    *when they say they are Out To Do Good what they really mean is they are Out To Do Well For Themselves
    *professional Environmentalists are Watermelons – GREEN on the outside but RED on the inside.

  5. I’d say Iran is cheap compared to how much the Obama government was demanding, and all the Dem candidates want now, to supposedly stop environmental destruction.

  6. I got a better idea.

    How about we gather all you muzzie meat sticks up and put you on the tanker. The last person off throws a match to the fucker. Two birds with one stone.


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