Iran’s Regime On The Brink As Protests Grow – IOTW Report

Iran’s Regime On The Brink As Protests Grow

DC: Protests are continuing to grow across Iran even as the regime in Tehran attempts to crush them. The demonstrations are increasing at a time when the leadership of the ‘Islamic Republic’ is struggling to adapt to its newly-reduced status after US President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the 2015 Joint Collective Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear deal between the regime and the P5+1 group of nations. With President Trump imposing the most severe sanctions to date against the ayatollahs over their nuclear program and the regime’s malign activities in neighboring countries and sponsorship of terror which have undermined security and stability regionally and globally, the regime has lost the geopolitical power it gained under his predecessor Barack Obama, the originator of the JCPOA agreement which was widely viewed as his “legacy deal.”

The current outbreak of anti-regime demonstrations preceded this latest crucial setback for the Khomeinist leadership, beginning at the end of 2017 in response to a spiralling economic crisis. The deterioration of Iran’s economy was already accelerating daily even before President Trump’s decision due to endemic financial corruption at every level within the regime, in addition to its vast military expenditure on the aforementioned regional wars and expansionism. Despite regime officials criss-crossing the globe in a frantic effort to save the nuclear deal, the damage to Iran’s economy is already weakening the regime’s regional power; the Trump administration’s decision has also pulled the rug out from under the regime’s efforts in recent years to be accepted as a law-abiding member of the international community, although the theocratic leadership’s veneer of ‘moderate reformism’ was long ago exposed as a sham by its aggressive regional expansionism, support for the dictator Bashar al-Assad and sponsorship of multiple terror groups.  more

11 Comments on Iran’s Regime On The Brink As Protests Grow

  1. I can almost hear Omohammed yelling at ValJar as he gets word that his mendacity is being overturned by the same Iranians he ignored during their Green Revolution: “Legacy! Legacy! Legacy!”

  2. LOL Obama and Kerry watching their BFF losing control of their country must really hurt. What a fall — just 3 years ago Obama was sure he had Iran on the path to getting a nuc and now they are just fighting to stay in power. MAGA!

  3. His “legacy” was always just an excuse for some reason to explain away Obama’s many deceits.

    He wasn’t trying to create a “legacy.” That’s just an excuse for a reason for undermining human freedom.

  4. We used to have one of those three-letter groups in the government that would help out countries overthrowing corrupt regimes. Now they help home-grown Marxists overturn our own elections.

  5. Murder the Ayatollah in his bed. Give Ahmadinejad the full tanged Qaddafi treatment and drag his body through the streets.

    Show Kim Jong Un sipping champagne at the White House.

    Hold up some pictures of Erdrogan and say “you’re next”.

    These tyrants only respect Power or Fear.

    When I watch the news at night, I can’t help but notice that I’m not seeing a lot of ISIS beheading videos or bombings in Iraqi marketplaces.

    Has something changed over the last year or so?

  6. The Ayatollah Mohamed “Monty” Hall will soon be crying to Trump….


    Historians, if honest 100 years from now, will decry how empty pants Obama brought the Nation and quite possibly the world to the brink and Trump managed to not only stave it off, but save it!

  7. Yes, Obama is fighting for his legacy, but now he his fighting to not be known as the worst President of the 20th and 21st century. Like the man, his historic accomplishments were built on lies, deceit and were hollow.

  8. Obama’s legacy is a 6 foot 4″ tranny jerking in the stall next to a five year old girl, female genital mutilation in Minnesota, a purging of all Christians in the Middle East, unaffordable healthcare, and a hopelessly divided country.

    You’re welcome.


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