Iraq Is Building A Wall – IOTW Report

Iraq Is Building A Wall

Roughly 12 miles of barbwire, remote gun emplacements and infra-red cameras have been placed along Iraq’s western border with Syria. The new border wall is intended to keep ISIS radicals from returning to regions they once dominated in Iraq just a few short years ago.

“The Roboguard M17 will let the operator conduct long-range surveillance and has a powerful machine gun to blast terrorists trying to cross into Iraq.” More


5 Comments on Iraq Is Building A Wall

  1. RoboGaurd M17 to the Mexi border.
    Every mile ought to do it.Down load a program
    for your computer and you too can control ole
    Robo #387 in AZ. for $100 per 15 minutes.
    Rack up points against other players with each
    dirt bag invader confirmed kill.HAHAHAHA !!!!


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