Is 4th Grade Too Early For Explicit Sex Ed Drawings? – IOTW Report

Is 4th Grade Too Early For Explicit Sex Ed Drawings?


DM– Parents of fourth-graders at an Oregon elementary school were ‘furious’ to discover that their children – some as young as nine – had read an explicit sex education book featuring cartoons of sex acts and masturbation, Fox 12 Oregon reported Thursday.

In a letter to parents, Hudson Park Elementary School admitted that copies of ‘It’s Perfectly Normal,’ a guide to sexual health aimed at children ten and up, were passed around to students.



It added that the book, which is about ‘changing bodies, growing up, sex, and sexual health,’ was actually intended for the school’s sixth-graders.


19 Comments on Is 4th Grade Too Early For Explicit Sex Ed Drawings?

  1. I caught Ralph and Stymie reading that book on Wednesday. After they went to bed, I thought I’d see what they were laughing about. I never did find out, because the pages were all stuck together.

    Thanks for posting, BFH. 🙂

  2. School curriculum does not belong at the Federal or State level. Control should be at the district level guided by the PTA. Had a good one today at the gym with a teacher regarding Common Core. I gave here a simple geometric problem us machinists face daily. She had no clue. She had no clue and got really passed to be exact.

  3. I really forget who thought me about sex. But it was a long time ago. I know it wasn’t in a classroom or a community meeting, or some kind of high fallutin educational symposium or anything like that. I vaguely remember it was me and Nellie, and Johnny, and Shelia playing doctor and nurse in a hay shed. I think that’s what started it . I improved over the years but I was always in a state of sin, which I used to have to wash off on a weekly basis by going to confession and lying to the priest to get absolution. Then I was good for another week. We found out at a very young age that the best priests to confess to were the Franciscan Friars. They were not at all inquisitive. The Jesuits, on the other hand , were real pricks. A regular interrogation it was , which only caused me/us to lie more and add more sins to my/our record. +

    As far as I know none of us ever went to jail, caught a STD, or raped or molested anyone

    I think sex education for young children is best left to the children.
    But if they have to be taught everything, like kicking a ball, throwing a ball, running, jumping; everything a kid can do normally, if allowed, then teaching them how jerk off is a great opportunity for certain individuals who otherwise can’t teach shit, or do anything useful.

  4. The fact that they did this without informing parents and asking for permission tells you everything you need to know about this. They went behind parent’s backs because that’s the only way they could get away with it. Yeah, they knew what they were doing. Fire ’em!

  5. Well, the librarian who gave the kiddies the book was “disciplined”, so that makes it all ok. And the book was “approved” by the State of Oregon, so they have that going for them. What a mess my state is in.

  6. Isn’t this the same state that wants boys and girls and men to share the same locker room and shower? The parents already lost the argument. Boys and men will show little girls about sex in person.

  7. The librarian sounds like she is trying to do some child grooming for a sex gang. What’s wrong with people who think showing explicit sex to 6 through 9 year olds is perfectly natural. I say it’s a form of pedophilia.

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