Is Calling Someone a Whore Who Does Anal Worse Than Suggesting a Woman Might Be on Her Period? – IOTW Report

Is Calling Someone a Whore Who Does Anal Worse Than Suggesting a Woman Might Be on Her Period?

Republican strategist, Rick Wilson, who loathes Trump, responded to an Ann Coulter tweet that linked to a Breitbart article by asking her if she gets more money when she gives Donald Trump anal sex.

Does Erick Erickson want Rick Wilson in the same room with his precious cargo daughter? Just wondering.

ht/ jerry manderin



12 Comments on Is Calling Someone a Whore Who Does Anal Worse Than Suggesting a Woman Might Be on Her Period?

  1. Oh that boy is precious. I read the stories behind this and I don’t think Wilson knows when to quit digging! LMAO.
    I don’t dislike him because he hates Trump, I dislike him because he always showed contempt for Conservatives.
    So, keep diggin’ baby! Don’t worry about the dirt collapsing in behind you! lol.

  2. He was insinuating that she has a dick. Therefore he was calling her a man. He was saying Donald was taking it up the corn hole, insinuating he was gay. I do believe they should look up old Wick Rilson and kick his ass.

  3. They call him a Republican ‘strategist’! It’s not hard to figure out why they have lost the last many Presidential elections with ‘experts’ like him proffering their highly paid advice to the tune of multi-million dollars of bucks. Their strategy was to lose while appearing to fight the good conservative fight and take in a kings ransom while doing so! In this, they were highly successful. Now their scam might be ending and they are aghast and angry at the prospect of losing their rice bowl! Republican Strategist is an oxymoran!

  4. I’m still waiting for some strategy from a Republican Strategist. Perhaps there has been some but we just didn’t recognize it as a strategy! Maybe, based on truth in advertising laws, we can insist on them telling us when they do employ what they call strategy!

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