Is Hillary Turning into Quasimodo? – IOTW Report

Is Hillary Turning into Quasimodo?


American Thinker: When Hillary Clinton lost her bid to become President, I thought she’d realize that her time was over and that she should enjoy her sunset years with her family and friends. Little did I expect that she’d embark on a second career by making herself into the object of continuing ridicule.

But she took the road less traveled, and has provided us with an unending examples of the reasons why we chose Donald Trump over her. She fell. She slipped. She broke her wrist. She broke her foot. She lied about how those happened. And as icing on the cake, she asked “What Happened?” in a book that demonstrated a complete lack of insight. We shouldn’t be surprised. After all, she’s a true narcissist.

If she has Parkinson’s Disease, as I have proposed, all of this is magnified by a declining ability to reason. The Wikileaks emails discussed medication searches, “terrible decision making,” and not being in the right “head space.” America dodged a lot of bullets by not electing someone who demonstrates the decision-making ability of a random number generator.

This week the Guardian published a set of pictures that have the Twitterverse in overdrive. Hillary was photographed with an obvious “something” pushing her coat upward near her shoulders. Then, as if she really wanted us to ask, “What’s up?”, she’s wearing a heavy coat in warm weather when everyone else is in shirtsleeves. What’s she hiding?

32 Comments on Is Hillary Turning into Quasimodo?

  1. Her tombstone will read:

    Here I – Hillary Rodham Clinton – Lie

    Should have been 45th President but got screwed by everybody, except Bill. He screwed all the other Bimbos. Got Vodka?

  2. While I’m sure some woman-of-color will volunteer to marry her (if only for the just-us system bennies), somebody would have to get her up on the gallows first. And that’s just not who we are!

  3. Oh no, don’t blame Cuntimodo’s lifelong history of sociopathy and Alinskyism on Parkinson’s. There’s been no decline into evil, she was born evil, of jackals. It will take the seven Daggers of Megiddo to end her presence in this realm.

  4. Quasimodo was a crazy retard, but he also had the innocence of a small child, so no.

    She’s Frollo in a hunchback’s body.
    Deceitful and wicked, deformed in body and spirit. Ugh.

  5. Jimmy MAY 12, 2018 AT 12:47 PM
    I hope Dr. G gets to do the autopsy on her dead carcass.

    Only if it get’s published after the celebrations…


    Tony R MAY 12, 2018 AT 3:23 PM
    Do a google search of Parkinson’s Disease. She is textbook. Dr. Drew tried to warn us, and look what they did to him!

    This in Spades!!!


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