Is it Racist? – IOTW Report

Is it Racist?

A principal enters a class room Friday morning and notices a young black man sitting near the back. He says “Hey, can someone tell this kid it’s not the 1960s. Black people don’t have to sit in the back of the classroom.”

By Monday morning the principal is on the P.A. system apologizing to the entire school and the superintendent stating that “the statement, while not intending to be harmful, was insensitive and inappropriate.”

Students are claiming that Principal Frank Calarco has made similar comments in the past.



Today, community members are demanding Calarco’s resignation.

17 Comments on Is it Racist?

  1. The statement was stupid – probably a lame attempt by a prog to prove how “racially sensitive” he was

    That being said – a giant “FUCK YOU” to the people demanding his resignation

  2. of course is it and besides that, how dare the principal assume that this person wants to be identified as a black male, they may wish to be a 6 year old Eskimo child. OOps sorry about that I said Eskimo.

  3. No. Not racist.
    “Racist” maybe.
    But not racist.

    This is another example of morons pretending to be offended because there’s really nothing in America to be offended about.

    Unless you’re offended by politicians lying about shit and getting away with murder … then, of course, you have no right to be offended because you’re not a socialist.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. When any comment about race that doesn’t take the form of SJW-style “virtue signaling” is denounced as racist by virtue-signaling SJWs and their toadies, then the term racist ceases to have objective meaning and becomes negative noise. You can safely bet that if there’s any racism to be found in such an exchange, it is the SJWs who believe brown is inferior.

  5. To determine if there is racism or a double standard, run the situation in reverse.

    “Hey, can someone tell this kid it’s not the 1960s. The front of the classroom is not reserved for white people.”

  6. My mother grew up in Atlantic City where she spent the summers on the beach. By September she was so dark her mother had to go to school with her to tell the teacher she wasn’t black so she shouldn’t be seated in the back.

    Good times.

  7. The goal is to find any reason, no matter how lame, to destroy any white person you can possibly get away with destroying. White progtards need to be boot stomped to death when they do this. I can understand non-whites being idiot racists. But when whites are racists against other whites, it’s time to take the trash out of the gene pool.

  8. The guy needs to get a clue. How long has he been involved with schools? The kids who want to stay under the radar, don’t care, don’t want to draw attention to themselves or want to use distance as a cover for non-class activity always choose to sit in the back. Classroom, bus, black, white and every variation. Always.

  9. “Yo, niggah … f’shizzle! Y’all don hasa be chillin in da bak! C’mon down! Gecher seff sum skoolearnin so’s yo can be flippin burgers fo’ da’ clown!”

    Then it wouldn’t have been “racist.”

    izlamo delenda est …

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