Is it the way they howl? – IOTW Report

Is it the way they howl?

A Michigan State Health Physicist is accused of having sex with a Bassett Hound.


Joseph Hattey, 51, was released from Ingham County Jail on a personal-recognizance bond following his arraignment, FOX 2 reported.

When asked by a FOX 2 reporter about the accusations as he left the jailhouse, Hattey said “I don’t want to be on camera, no comment.”

Hattey was suspended by the school on April 17 after it learned about a criminal investigation into the alleged acts of sodomy with a dog, the report said.

The university said in a statement that Jim Hattey worked with the Environmental Health and Safety Unit, noting the “position does not work with students, patients or animals.”

“The university has been and will continue to cooperate with law enforcement officials on this matter,” Emily Guerrant, an MSU spokeswoman, said in a statement. “MSUPD is providing digital forensic support in the investigation.”

Authorities and university officials said the alleged crime did not take place on campus, nor did it involve animals associated with the school.

ht/ bubba



27 Comments on Is it the way they howl?

  1. Doesn’t this penchant for Bassett Hounds need to be added to the LBQGT initalism (whatever that means), so that it evolves into LBQGTH? This arrest raises lots of questions, though. Couldn’t this Unhealthy Physicist find an attractive, single Afghan Hound to spend some quality time with? I’ll bet he’s a registered Democrat.

  2. #caninetoo. Actually, there is no comment that could be funnier than the article itself – particularly the statement confirming that the position did not entail working with “students, patients or animals.”

  3. “Authorities and university officials said the alleged crime did not take place on campus”

    Yeah, well, that’s what’s being reported elsewhere, he did have one on campus. So gross.

  4. I guess the perv could use the Nasty Pelosi defense argument. “That as an American, it’s his fundamental right to be free of persecution and discrimination based on who he is or whom he loves”… I am so freaking pissed with what is going on in this state. Right now, I’m hoping (if this asswipe gets prison time) that his cell mate is well endowed and has a sexual addiction.

  5. As a Basset owner (and our current Basset was on Claudia’s Sun. thread a few Sun.s ago) all I can say is he should be strung up.
    Also, he must have really, really, really short legs.

  6. He took the “dogs are man’s best friend” concept to a place it was never meant to go. However, I’ve heard of women doing that sort of thing. Maybe he was looking for gender/sex equality. The sicko bastid.

    The report does remind me a story my brother told about one of his truck drivers, a guy they called Kutter.

    One evening they were hanging out at the truck garage shooting the breeze. Old Blue was laying in the corner licking the canine family jewels. Kutter was asked, “Hey Kutter, I bet you wished you could do that.” Kutter replied, “Well, I’ve thought a few times about trying it. But I was afraid he’d bite me.”

    I guess Joseph wasn’t afraid of being bitten.

  7. Slippery Slope, anyone?

    The progress of perversion: Homosexuality, Pederasty, Pedophilia, Bestiality … ?

    The ragheads do it with goats, so what’s the problem?

    “Defining Deviancy Down” was Moynihan’s phrase.

    izlamo delenda est …


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