Is this a wise move for a TV host? – IOTW Report

Is this a wise move for a TV host?

A Brazilian variety show host did the ol’ “slanty eyes” move when screaming kids showed their appreciation for some South Korean pop band.

A: Does he think these South Koreans are in competition with him for the attention of screaming teens?

B: Did he not get the memo that it’s not 1957, and people’s careers have been ended for far less of a joke?

C: The joke was funny when I was seven, and only the first couple of times.

He, and his backers, are mounting a defense. A weak, weak defense.

The Mirror-

“In Korea, [there is] blackface on TV, and mixed race people suffer prejudice. They want to spread their prejudice, so we decided to retaliate in a comical way.

Ahhhhhh. So he invited them on the show to make a political statement and timed it to coincide with his audience screaming in admiration of his guests.

Makes sense.


ht/ the big owe

16 Comments on Is this a wise move for a TV host?

  1. I don’t care what race someone is. If you get offended over a racial joke, chances are you somewhat believe in the stereotypes…which there is some truth to stereotypes btw. Who gives a fuck? Every racial joke invented is intended to make a particular group look stupid. That’s the point. That’s why they are called jokes. Back in my day, Pollack jokes were the norm. No one said shit all about those.

  2. @Bman – Yup. I can remember at least three targets for the joke:

    Q. How does a _______ remember how to put on his underpants?
    A. Yellow in front, brown in back.

    Same tired joke, different race/nationality targeted.

  3. For an example, ever see a black comedian make fun at how white people dance? It’s usually hilarious and mostly true. I laugh. It’s funny. That’s why people love that Carlton (from Fresh Prince of Bel Air) GIF. Should people get mad at him for making fun of a particular group? Fuck no! It’s funny! Black people like it because he’s making fun of white people. White people like it because he’s a black guy that dances just like them. That’s comedy gold! Just like that scene in Blazing Saddles, “The sheriff is near!” I’ve never met a black person who didn’t think that was one of the funniest scenes in all of cinema history. People honestly need to lighten the fuck up and stop taking life so seriously. You will thank me for it.

  4. Most of the men in Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s life tug on her ears, but we don’t associate her with that when people cup their ears to hear better. Gimme a break.

  5. On the south side of Chicago, back in the day, Polish heritage was the brunt of a whole bunch of jokes.
    Most interchangeable with most other groups, as per Uncle Al, although there were a handful with punchlines tied to the usual end of a plush name. The best of those used the name “Kowalski”
    Its was about a hybrid fish, a cross between Koho, Walleye, and Muskie. A great fish, They just couldn’t teach it to swim.

  6. If the guy had been genuinely just making a little joke, then fine by me. But obviously by the statement made, he’s an ass. With terrible timing. :b


    Actually, Koreans get plastic surgery to ROUND-OUT their eyes so they look more Western. They also try to WHITEN their skin to look more Western. Additionally, they dye their hair to look more Western too. Their music has a more Western sound, their favorite 2nd language is ENGLISH, not Chinese or Japanese.

    Betcha didn’t know that.

    They don’t really give a rat’s ass about the slanty-eyed thing. Yes, it’s rude, but they are not blubbering snowflakes about it. They think it’s more a reflection of YOUR character than a knock on them. -they know they have slanty eyes.

  8. It wasn’t racism. The Brazilians love to create this kind of “online war”, they like the attention.
    Raul Gil, the show host, has been on TV for a long, long time. That’s his style. Personally, I never liked him or that kind of TV show, but he’s popular there.

    Now, Brazilians can be very racist, especially towards Black people, but there is mainly if the Black person is poor. Take a look at how many Black people there are in Brazil. The majority of the population is Black or Brown, but how many you see in a prominent position? Mostly rich soccer players.
    Two weeks ago, on a Brazilian website, there was a video about police corruption (the police taking money from truck drivers in major highways in Brazil), but before the clip from the news, they showed a commercial, an ad for a cleaning product, there were some White ladies, dressed in pretty clothes and a fat Black lady dressed in a maid uniform cleaning a kitchen. It was so blatant, I couldn’t believe that they still using that kind of stereotype, even after they claimed to have evolved so much.

  9. Much of Latin America is still pretty much in the ’50’s when it comes to racism and discrimination. Some are still in the 1550’s.

    There is also some backlash to the rapid pace of Chinese commercial dominance in Latin America. Many are not sophisticated enough to distinguish between Chinese and other Asian nationalities.

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