This is pandering at its worst. Would Bloomberg do a campaign ad taking a bite of Breyer’s ice cream, touting it as the best? No. It would be ludicrous.
So why Big Gay Ice Cream?
Well, we all know the answer. He thinks by announcing this is the “best” ice cream he is going to secure the gay vote. This seems like quid pro quo to me.

…Brought to you by a Big Gay.
WTF?? Iz the Maplethorpe show in town??
How can ice cream be homosexual, much less Express a sexual preference at all?
MayorPete would shove a spoonful up his ass and proclaim it was soothing.
he’s letting the world know that he’s not intolerant of the gays or lactose.
WTF. Now ice cream has a sexual identity?!?!
What’s next, homo hamburgers? Queer beer? Fudge packer fudge? Light loafers? Flaming faggot flambeau?
Tough crowd tonight
Mini Mussolini will endorse anything anything LBGT “big”, with the exception of Gulps, too close to large fountain sodas.
Big gay ice cream. Proud sponsor of the NFL.
He’s like Hillary but with a dick.
Hillary has a dick named Bill.
^ Not to mention various protuberances that masquerade as one.
Who is pandering more, Bloomberg or that ice cream company?
Who is the bigger whore here?
Just for shits and giggles I would like to see an undercover expose on that company. I bet it would reveal some serious bigotry of it’s own.
drawing a blank here …. maybe it’s the way you lick it
ok, I got it now … ‘the ice cream you have both ways!’
Mike, that is a pale imitation of the master…
Hoping bloomingidiotberg bankrupts himself and spends his golden years on a sidewalk.
Bloomberg shoves it up his ass and Buttigieg laps it out.
Or … nah … I’m makin myseff sick …
izlamo delenda est …
So when did Breyers ice cream become gay? I would’ve figured that Ben & Jerry’s ice cream would’ve been first.
Bloomberg is a sinister weirdo.
He’s so tiny it looks like he’s using a serving spoon but it’s really a child’s teaspoon in his hand. Next ad will show him stomping around the house in daddy’s work shoes.
“Instead of Ben & Jerry’s, we’re having Gerald’s Fitzpatrick’s and Patrick’s Fitzgerald’s!”
Instead of Ben and Jerry, there’s Neil and Bob.
I am thinking of how southerners say “ice cream”. It sounds like “ass cream”.
Where do they sell the heterosexual vanilla bean – extra creamy?
why would anyone eat an ice cream called “big gay ice cream” ?
who knows what’s really on there?
Ben and Jerry are envious.