Is Trump’s DACA Proposal Smarter Than We Think? – IOTW Report

Is Trump’s DACA Proposal Smarter Than We Think?

American Thinker has a post that asks that people eager to throw Trump under the bus step back off a bit and look at what the plan accomplishes, if it’s implemented.

As the AT writer says, the bulk of them won’t be able to fulfill what’s required if they stay. We get deportations and we have a wall.

(I have my reservations for any “plan” that can be undone by activist judges and a new leftist president.

Read at

ht/ Christian PDX


19 Comments on Is Trump’s DACA Proposal Smarter Than We Think?

  1. Good point about activist judges, but hopefully, Trump is filling the lower benches and might get a shot at replacing at least 2 on the SCOTUS, more if he makes it to 2024.

    This is a worthwhile read. He is always negotiating and looking at the angles.

  2. Nah. I see too much damage from the offer – if interpreted literally – come November to Trump/GOP. Trump’s doing things to get a SuperMajority, and that would kill it, among his base (at a minimum).

    My read on it is it’s a gambit which exposes both 1) the Dems for the anti-American/pro-Illegal scum they are and 2) the GOPe for being soul-partners to the Dem scum PRIOR TO the November elections…with NO intent of passing anything with the possibility of citizenship.

    The Dems are already calling the absurdly surrender-ish proposal “ransom” and “racist,” so right there he’s got them exposing their faux “support” of Illegals (they are merely intended to be the new inhabitants on the Dem Plantation).

  3. As I’ve said, it’s the offer they can’t refuse, but must.

    To agree to the Wall and an end to chain migration and the visa lottery, would be the death of the Democrat party.

  4. It will be interesting to see who the DACA members protest once it sinks in what the democrats are refusing. If they were acting in their own self interest they would be out marching today demanding the democrats accept the deal.

    I look forward to Trump rescinding the offer and Republicans campaigning on how democrats don’t care about DACA members, they only want to pack the nation with more illegal immigrants.

  5. Part of me hopes this is a combo of Trump shoving down the Left’s throats something he knows they can’t swallow, and also drawing attention away from his DOJ’s noose tightening on the FBI.

    I can hope.

  6. The AT article is right on the money. We should all keep these facts in mind:
    1. Trump is keeping his campaign promises like no president before him.
    2. During the campaign Trump signaled he has sympathy for kids brought here illegally by their parents through no action of their own so he’s not going back on a promise if he strikes a deal that gets him the BIG promises – a wall, end chain migration, stop visa lottery.
    3. His provision makes them wait 10 to 12 years to get citizenship. I’m sure there will be triggers that nullify the deal if the wall isn’t built within a specified time, chain migration isn’t ended, visa lottery isn’t stopped. There will also be requirements about employment as well as a clean record.
    4. Chain migration is a greater threat to this country than giving 1.8 million assimilated contributors amnesty over time. 70% of immigrants from Pakistan are here on chain migration, not because we selected them. Think about that. We allowed 30% of Pakistanis to enter through the immigration process and they brought along another 3 people we have no decision over. Unless we end this, millions of dependent, low-IQ parasites will come in every year legally through chain migration – far more than the total 1.8 million assimilated workers in question.
    5. There are upwards of 30 million illegals in this country. The “official” report of 11 million is totally bogus which a look around at the Mexican enclaves in every city and town in the US makes clear. If we don’t secure the border, they and more will return no matter how often they’re deported. Time is of the essence since they’re dropping anchor babies at an amazingly high rate.
    6. Using DACA as the bait is giving the least for the most so we win and Dems lose. Dems want amnesty for ALL illegals. If Dems don’t accept the deal on Trump’s terms (or close to it) we win because we don’t want to give amnesty to ANY illegals.

    You have to give to get in a negotiation. Trump has set up the Dems so they lose no matter what the outcome and we win. I doubt that 1.8 million DACAs will be able to qualify for citizenship in 10 years. Trump will not give away the farm as previous Republicans have. Those who qualify probably will have a lot more in common with conservative Americans than leftists democrats.

    I will continue to trust Trump. He hasn’t let me down yet.

  7. It pisses EVERYBODY off
    That means that both parties give up something valuable.
    The true meaning of compromise.
    The Dreamers are Americans. They grew up here. They get Citizenship eventually. Fine.
    But they SHOULD NOT get to bring in their criminal parents.
    And the Visa lottery? Gone

  8. I agree with Page. We currently are stuck with chain migration and the immigration lottery, both of which absolutely need to go. Allowing a limited number, even on the order of a million, with strict requirements about contribution to American society, is a reasonable price to pay, particularly when considering that those we are allowing were brought here as children and did not come on their own. And that number is a one-time deal, but it would stop the other problems that otherwise will continue.

  9. Although the DACA deal proposed seems reasonable it will never be accepted by Schumer or Pelosi as it’s not a democrap proposal and they cannot claim credit for it. Lets see what kind of crap they come up with.

  10. I wrote an article that will be posted on AT soon but I will post it here first for all the IOTW readers. It’s a very difficult read and some people may have to look up some of the words in a dictionary, (not anyone here) anyway, here it is.
    How To End Illegal Immigration In The United States
    By: Redneck (that’s a pseudonym)
    Part One:
    Part Two:
    Go back to what you were doing.

  11. the one thing I don’t like about Trump’s gambit is the 10-12 year thing … it’s the same old ‘kicking the can down the road’ … Trump will be long gone & nothing will happen in 2028-2030 to solve this problem
    it smells like a typical swamp maneuver

  12. “All it takes is one leftwing judge to vacate a conviction on account of the consequences for a DACA recipient’s citizenship prospects, nullifying the entire incentive to be good.”

    “But it’s a gamble a lot of us can live with.”
    UMM…HELL NO! You KNOW there are those “Judges” out there already. You KNOW that’s exactly what they’ll do. So WHY the F would you set up a situation to LEGALIZE these criminals courtesy Leftist Judges? Because non-thinking limp-wristed GOPe American Thinker writers “wanna believe.”

    Don’t wonder why I never bother with that site anymore.

  13. First, we have to get Pelosi to pass the legislation so she can find out what’s in it.
    Second, we have to get Schumer to read.
    Of, course, they can get all the info they need from the evening news on the MSM.

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