ISIS Burns Bibles, Nobody Riots – IOTW Report

ISIS Burns Bibles, Nobody Riots

A video that first appeared last week shows the Islamic State “morality police” in Mosul burning Bibles and other Christian literature.


 The city, once a haven for Iraqi Christians, has been deserted by Christians after being overrun by Islamic State fighters in 2014.


The State Department has until March 17th to declare the crimes occurring in Iraq against Christians and Yazidis is genocide and thus commit the government to respond.



Pressure on the State Department was increased Monday by a unanimous vote in the House for a resolution declaring ISIS is committing genocide and a 280 page report from the Knights of Columbus documented specific atrocities by the Islamic State.


8 Comments on ISIS Burns Bibles, Nobody Riots

  1. Islam, the religion of a perverted false prophet has been enslaving, murdering and raping Christians for 100s of years and nobody riots.

    The US, UN, Vatican and Europe don’t recognize the extermination of Christians.

    And now the US Congress has chosen to look upon the elephant in the room while obama, kerry, the administration and Congress allow Islamic terrorists into the US while denying Christians a safe haven.

    Enablers are as guilty as the perpetrators of Christian genocide.

    May they all burn in hell.

  2. When adherents use the name of their chosen deity when committing murder, and cruelty, and rape, and destruction of the hard work of others, and countless other atrocities the sober mind cannot assign any other visage to this deity than that of the Devil

  3. President Lazlo late in the afternoon on inauguration day:
    (picks up the red phone)
    “Get me the Joint Chiefs in here Pronto!”
    (twiddles thumbs and glares around as they file in)
    (points at Army and Marines)
    “You two. ISIS is a Bug I want stepped on Yesterday. I know you have plans. Get ready, move out”
    (points at Navy)
    “You get them over there and lay waste to anything that gets in their way, move out”
    (points at Air Force)
    “Go make them sons of bitches afraid of the sky”

  4. Maybe it’s about time that a few Christians (or at least, non-Quoranderthals anyway) go on a rampage and destroy a few mosques and madras, all in the name of Bibles being burned, and Christians being beheaded. Give them some of their own back.

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