ISIS has grown around 4400% under Obama’s watch – IOTW Report

ISIS has grown around 4400% under Obama’s watch

Mission Accomplished.


CIA Director John Brennan has admitted that the Islamic State terror group has grown by around 4,400 percent during President Barack Obama’s tenure in office, according to remarks delivered in a speech.

The Islamic State (also known as ISIS or ISIL) was “decimated” and had around “700 or so adherents left” during former president George W. Bush’s term in office, according to Brennan.

The CIA has found that the Islamic State currently has anywhere from 20,000 to 31,500 fighters operating across the Middle East.

The Islamic State “was, you know, pretty much decimated when US forces were there in Iraq. It had maybe 700-or-so adherents left. And then it grew quite a bit in the last several years, when it split then from al Qaeda in Syria, and set up its own organization,” Brennan said.



12 Comments on ISIS has grown around 4400% under Obama’s watch

  1. ISIS is the only thing obama has supported and thrown $100s of millions of dollars at that has succeeded.

    Too bad he didn’t have success with obamacare, green energy, electric cars, fuel from algae, GM, Chrysler, the economy, reducing energy or medical costs, finances, etc., etc.

    obama has excelled at alienated our allies and embracing our enemies.

  2. There was no watch.
    He abandoned it.
    A boy was handed a man’s job, and he did not grow into it.
    I wonder if a future History Channel will remark on Barry the Boy King, and what will History name him?
    Barak the Petulant
    The Bath House President
    Testy Barry
    Barak the Magic Negro (HT Rush)
    The Sissy
    The Last President of America

  3. Obama and all who have assisted and orchestrated this horror show don’t just have blood on their hands, they are soaking in a sea of blood. And they aren’t even done yet.

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  1. “Contained,” But Under Obama’s Watch ISIS Has Grown by 4,400 Percent. | American Elephants

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