ISIS ‘kill list’ includes names of 151 Canadians – IOTW Report

ISIS ‘kill list’ includes names of 151 Canadians There are 151 Canadians about to get an uncomfortable phone call from police.

It may go something like this: “It’s probably nothing, but … your name appears to be on an ISIS kill list.”

Imagine getting that call. Imagine being the constable assigned to make it.

CBC has obtained a copy of the list, which contains the names, and email and physical addresses of some 8,300 people around the globe. It’s hard to tell what unites them.

The Canadian names are mostly of women, from predominantly small centres in Canada, although there are some from large cities, too.

Names not hand-picked

There are lots of theories as to how the names got on the list. What seems clear is they weren’t hand-picked. These don’t appear to be people targeted for who they are or what they have said or done. It doesn’t even seem like the names were entered manually. Some appear multiple times.  more

10 Comments on ISIS ‘kill list’ includes names of 151 Canadians

  1. Don’t fuck with Canadians: In 2004, an estimated 40 members of JTF2 serving with Task Force K-Bar were awarded the Presidential Unit Citation by the U.S. government for service in Afghanistan. While serving with Task Force K-Bar, Vice Admiral Robert Harward, a US Navy SEAL, stated that the JTF2 team under his command was his first choice for any direct action.

    Yes, a Navy SEAL with the entire spectrum of NATO Spec Ops under his command selected the Canadians as his first choice downrange.

    We are a fun loving people and don’t take ourselves too seriously until you threaten us, then, may God have mercy on your soul, we fight to win.

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