Islam Has Nothing To Do Whatsoever With Terrorism – Hillary Clinton – IOTW Report

Islam Has Nothing To Do Whatsoever With Terrorism – Hillary Clinton

Clinton must be stopped.

19 Comments on Islam Has Nothing To Do Whatsoever With Terrorism – Hillary Clinton

  1. Islam has nothing to do with America

    Islam has nothing to do with peace

    Islam has nothing to do with freedom

    Islam has nothing to do with the Constitution

    Islam has nothing to do with sanity

    Islam has nothing to do with civilization

    Islam has nothing to do with prosperity

    Islam has nothing to do with ethics

    Islam has nothing to do with justice

    Islam has nothing……..

  2. Mr Pinko – When Trump’s campaign comes calling, do the right thing and give it to them, gratis.

    Although withholding it from them might earn you a sit down lunch with Bill and Hill. Pay to play, bro. Pay to play.

  3. I think the choice of including a woman saying Jesus fucking Christ at the moment of impact is a smart choice.

    We are a Christian nation, and we do not behead people, burn people, chop off hands, pluck out eyes, burn with acid, shoot, stab, or blow up anyone using the Lord’s name in vain.

    We may not like it, we may cluck a tongue, but we are not savages.

  4. They keep telling us that attackers in Orlando and Fort Hood and San Bernadino and Boston were not acting on behalf of Islam. They are lone wolves.

    Isn’t it amazing that 19 lone wolves simultaneously and without any preconceived conspiracy happened to attack the World Trade Center and the pentagon and potentially the Capitol or White House at the same time?

    The death toll from these random, unassociated, allahu Ahkbars keeps rising and the official dialogue never changes.
    And we’re the dummies that don’t get it.

    Thus….Trump. He’s just saying what all Americans already know.

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