“Islamisation is EU-thanasia” – Dutch Police Arrest Protestors Concerned With Islamisation – IOTW Report

“Islamisation is EU-thanasia” – Dutch Police Arrest Protestors Concerned With Islamisation


Police seized “offensive” Mohammed cartoons during a demonstration by the Dutch branch of the Patriotic European Against the Islamisation of the West (PEGIDA) movement in the city of Utrecht this weekend.

The rally, which attracted around 150 supporters, criticised the “Islamisation” of the Netherlands, with demonstrators also expressing their support for the Freedom Party of Geert Wilders, a noted critic of Islamism.

DutchNews reports that police arrested 32 people at the demonstration for a variety of offences including failing to carry IDs, not following police orders and displaying “insulting banners”.

One such banner said the “Koran is poison”, while another claimed “Islamisation is EU-thanasia”.

Video footage emerged of police removing Mohammed cartoons, although their ultimate fate is unknown.


ht/ fdr in hell

2 Comments on “Islamisation is EU-thanasia” – Dutch Police Arrest Protestors Concerned With Islamisation

  1. If bloodthirsty vampires started streaming into your country, by the millions, and the government, their military, and their police, were protecting and facilitating the vampires’ invasion – rather than protecting the populace of your country – you should probably be questioning just where their loyalty lies.

    If your politicians were demanding that you offer up the blood of your children to the vampires, so the government gets to look good to their communist cocktail party peers, maybe you need to stop listening to what they are telling you to do?

    Your government, police, and military have betrayed you. If you don’t take up arms, and eliminated the entire threat – the invaders and the traitors – you and your entire society will die.

    This is where Europe is today – on the edge of a knife. Extinction and torture on one side, and survival on the other. I hope they make a good choice.

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