Isn’t he quite the dandy – IOTW Report

Isn’t he quite the dandy

44 Comments on Isn’t he quite the dandy

  1. Too bad he didn’t fall in front of a Mack Truck, fuck that company right the hell up on the 6 O’clock news.

    The funny thing about Gravity is that It does not care about gender, feelings, fashion or pronouns. 100% science 100% of the time.

  2. My buddy fell like that on his driveway and knocked out a few teeth. Blood everywhere! His wife went total Ape Shit on him.

    Mostly because of the 23 beers and waking her up at 2am in February (-10 Deg F) to take him to the Hospital after he failed to shovel the driveway in the first place.

    It’s a Canadian thing Eh.

  3. the biggest difference is that women have a lower center of gravity as well as a far broader base to stabilize the triangle; there ain’t no such thing as equity in physics, Newton.

  4. @AbigaleAdams

    Nope. A big set of Klunky Winter boots.

    By the way, His wife is 100% “Merican” from Pittsburgh and we love her dearly. (She puts up with a lot)

  5. I’d most likely end up in jail for LOLing in public at this doofus.

  6. What happened to the good old words we used to have for pervs, like fruit-cake, cream-puff, and limp-wrist?

    I hate to see such descriptive terms fall into disuse.


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