Isn’t She Lovely? – IOTW Report

Isn’t She Lovely?

Stevie Wonder thinks Michelle Obama is lovely.
(I got pilloried for making this, critics saying it was racist. ((Something to do with blacks and swimming)) “Them” refers to women, not blacks, morons.)
MJA’s SNIP: Let me speak slowly for the snowflakes:
Before any libs rupture an a$$ vessel, it’s a folksy saying which means you should see a woman without her makeup on before you commit to another date/ sleep with her, just in case she’s ugly as hell. Water washes off makeup, you see.
Not to have figured that out on your own just means you’re slower than turtles walking through molasses with socks on.
Bless your hearts.
Sincerely, MJA.

30 Comments on Isn’t She Lovely?

  1. Yes. She is lovely. Graceful. So friendly. Loves affection. Well mannered. But that thing with two legs on the other end of the leash, OMG. Foul mouth, mean, nasty, stupid, hateful, smells bad, terrible farts, could use a bath and flea dip. Pissed cuz I got to the chicken bone in her hair.

  2. Every time Barry inserted his Anthony Weiner in her he held his breath, closed his eyes, and frantically said to himself over and over, “There’s no place like Reggie’s hole. There’s no place like Reggie’s hole…”

  3. I’m not blaming the website but my avatar suddenly disappeared today. Perhaps something on my end. Any suggestions? I’ll research further.


  4. It’s showing up on my computer but not my cell. I knew it was my phone. But I updated my avatar anyway to a more “sophsticated” theatre curtain.

    Okay. Everyone can rest easy now. Tehehehehehehe…

  5. She has always reminded me of the Creature from the Black Lagoon, or the progeny of Sasquatch that got confused and headed South on the Underground Railroad. Wouldn’t it be special if we could send her a bill for all the money she blew flying around representing a country she was never proud of until her husband conned his way into the Offal Office? Only six more days until we can watch her choking on the knowledge that her husband was the worst President in our country’s history.

  6. Hmm, beins a retired submarine dude. I would think
    that if she jumped into the water, and had no propulsion
    to move that rather large ass, it would rise to the surface
    and submerge her head and legs, thus drowning her.

    It’s just a theory mind you.

  7. The “racist” thing about blacks and swimming is that blacks dont swim well because they’re not buoyant and tend to sink like stones in the water

    And you can see how “damaging” such a stereotype could be because a lifeguard at a swimming pool might actually believe it; which could cause him to think that a black kid calling for help might actually be in serious trouble and this would lead to actions that might actually save the kid’s life.

    Fortunately for me, I had an opportunity to see this damaging stereotype completely “exploded” when I was at Ft Bragg. Once a year we would have water survival training and 100% of the blacks in my unit would dread it saying, “I hate this shit, I sink like a stone in the water.”

    Finally I got fed up and actually grabbed one of them by the throat, saying “Please dont contribute to my racist mindset by re-inforcing this damaging stereotype.” Mere hours later, I was awarded three Army Commendation medals for my bold and decisive act.

  8. “The “racist” thing about blacks and swimming is that blacks dont swim well because they’re not buoyant and tend to sink like stones in the water”
    Damn! I must be black.

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