It didn’t fool the troopers patrolling the HOV lane – IOTW Report

It didn’t fool the troopers patrolling the HOV lane


WSP Motorcycle Trooper Greg Ulrich stopped a vehicle this morning NB 167 in Auburn for violating the HOV lane.

ht/ illusrt8r

15 Comments on It didn’t fool the troopers patrolling the HOV lane

  1. This HOV crap is deplorable. It should be just another lane. Oh, wait, it can’t be since the money-grubbing states whore themselves out for a bit of that fat Federal highway pie.

  2. HOV is the perfect example of why government imposed itself on the people, facts be damned. I could write a long essay on this. If your goal is to conserve energy you’d open up all lanes to traffic directionally depending on time of day. HOV DC has been in effect for decades but hasn’t coerced behavior of the masses. Bludgeoned is the real word.

    Carpooling works sometimes. But mostly it’s individuals who live real lives with real families and real obligations that defy a sheep like existence.
    Now they’ve whored out the lanes to commuter “Johns” willing to pay the price.

  3. Believe or not, in Washington there are signs posted on the side of the freeways with a phone number to call. The number is 976-HERO. What kind of worm would call 976-HERO to report a HOV violation? We are such wimps here in Washington!

  4. HOV Is a crime against free people. Government manipulation at its worst.

    Sorry but HOV really pissed me off.

    If you have a two seat car you are at max legal occupancy. But unless you have 3 in the car…..
    Oh. Never mind.

    Why should I resist another well documented environmental bureaucracy mandated intrusion that never achieved its purported goal? They dick Tate. We subjugate.

    For decades. And decades.

    A well regulated militia should have overthrown this bravo Sierra long ago.

    I told you not to get me started.

  5. Washington imposing its will on the South was one of the many reasons for the War Between the States. If things continue as they are, we may see a War Between the States and Washington.
    Pray for Trump. Pray for our country.

  6. You guys are so lucky. I’ve never seen an HOV lane. We just have two lanes. One going to work.
    I use that lane in the morning. After work I change to the other lane and drive home.
    No cops anywhere.
    We have cops but they don’t come to work till 10am unless there is an accident.
    200 to 300 cars in 24 hours. I drive to work at 5 am. Nobody on the road yet.

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