It Would Be Reckless To Trust The FBI and the DOJ – IOTW Report

It Would Be Reckless To Trust The FBI and the DOJ

Political Vanguard: Do you trust the FBI?  Do you trust the Department of Justice?

For years the Left told America to Question Authority.  Now, however, as Michael Goodwin puts it “Evidence Suggests a Massive Scandal Is Brewing at the FBI“, the Left doesn’t want us to question the FBI, the DOJ or Robert Mueller the Special Counsel.

In plain terms, there is no reason to trust the leaders of the FBI and many at DOJ.  Consider this headline from the Washington Times:

Sen. Chuck Grassley accuses FBI, Justice Department of blocking key information on Russia dossier.

Chuck Grassley is not exactly a reckless firebrand.

There is this headline too: more

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