No More Urinals! Feel Better? – IOTW Report

No More Urinals! Feel Better?

Portland Officials Ban Urinals in Men’s Rooms

GodfatherPolitics – The Portland city council has now banned urinals in the men’s room of its new administration building to make transgender people and those with gender issues feel better.

The city also reported that it was preparing to open “gender-neutral” bathrooms to “remove arbitrary barriers in our community.”

According to KGW channel 8, the cost of the remodel to taxpayers is $195,000,000.

In an email, Chief Administrative Officer Tom Rinehart told city employees, “We will continue to have gender-specific (male and female) multi-stall restrooms that are readily available to any employee that prefers to use one. But there will be no urinals in any restroom in the building.”

Finish reading here.

h/t Ann Nonymous Prime

44 Comments on No More Urinals! Feel Better?

  1. So they still have “gender-specific, multi-stall” bathrooms. If I worked in that building, I’d use the wrong gender, multi-stall bathroom and challenge anyone to say I was doing anything wrong.

  2. “…to make transgender people and those with gender issues feel better.”

    That right there is a fool’s errand. There is little or nothing that anyone other than the afflicted themselves can do to mitigate self hatred.

  3. No guy who wants to keep his man card is going to pee sitting down. They’ll all still pee standing up like always and old guys will probably keep dribbling pee all over the floor. Toilets are for # 2’s and not # 1’s. I’m old enough to remember when urinals were long troughs where all the guys lined up next to each other to take a leak. With no dividers, it was embarrassing to try and not look at the guy next to you peeing and guys who are shy pissers (or with small dicks) were hardest hit.

  4. Theoretically the lowest possible IQ score is 4. The members of the Portland City Council seem determined to prove that theory is wrong, and is to optimistic. Lower than four is possible, and they’re going to prove it.

  5. …my fire company was once called out for a field fire, and didn’t see it when we rolled up, but there was a smell of smoke at the turnout for this field. We packed up with Indian tanks (probably can’t call them that now), and followed the smell to behind a copse of trees where someone had dropped a butt, and it was just a smoky, smouldery damp brush kind of thing.

    …we were all guys on that particular run, so we dropped the Indians, then dropped trou, and it was “Surround and Drown” from there…

    …N.B. it went into the official OFIRS reporting system as “HAND EQUIPMENT” under “METHOD OF EXTIGUISHMENT”…

  6. Jimmy
    OCTOBER 2, 2019 AT 5:57 PM
    “The Largest Fossilized Human Turd Ever Found Came From a Sick Viking:”

    …there used to be a saying at my plant, “You can’t polish a turd”, a reference to there being small hope to make inferior equipment or mentally challenged people be an asset.

    On vacation one day, I went to Smoky Mountain Knife Works in Sevierville, and in the downstairs area they had little nuggets of tumbled and shined fossilized dinosaur scat.

    I brought it back as proof that, if it’s OLD enough, you CAN in fact polish a turd.

    …that Swedish loaf at your link looks pretty shiny, too, @Jimmy…

  7. Dear Rick, Pretty close.

    My sister in law was insisting on the “Seat Up” argument.

    I told My Brother, ” just piss all over the seat every time”

    Wanna Guess how the seat is left now days?

    Piss on every inch of that seat every time! Those urinals will be back in 6 months.

    There is only 1 male privilege and that is standing while you piss!

    Women’s privilege is sounding like a whistle while they squirt and the ability to stop on a dime mid stream!

  8. Tiger eyes
    OCTOBER 2, 2019 AT 6:46 PM
    “…Let them pee on their shoes.”

    …well, if they’re ALREADY crapping on the sidewalk where they walk, it doesn’t seem like peeing on their shoes would really be that much of a stretch from there…

    …besides, they’re used to pissing on the REST of us on a daily basis, so they probably consider it a PRIVILEGE at this point…

  9. At age 12, a bunch of us gathered in the basement of one of Seattle’s largest churches (which shall go nameless). Therein resided a terrific basketball court upon which we played ball to the sound of someone practicing the pipe organ upstairs. All went well… until…

    We took a break and I went to the john. Upon pushing aside the stall door, there in front of me was a huge, shiny, foot-long laid curvelinear on the toilet seat, so neat and tidy it defied logic. The diameter of this iconoclastic (and apparently prehistoric) artwork had to be at least 2″.

    “Why would anyone do that?” was my first thought. It’s not something you forget.

  10. Apparently the city council hasn’t read the book of Unintended Consequences?
    Like being a fag gets you a diseased and early death or tax the crap out of people and they produce or buy less and so on.


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