It’s Almost As If Ben Knew There’d Be An Obama One Day – IOTW Report

It’s Almost As If Ben Knew There’d Be An Obama One Day

Safety and security, as provided by the government, is an illusion. – YoungConsScreen Shot 2016-01-05 at 4.48.21 PM

ht/ Sam S.

18 Comments on It’s Almost As If Ben Knew There’d Be An Obama One Day

  1. Well I just banged out an awesome post a got an “oops we have a problem yadda yadda”. Fuck it, not doing it again, but I would encourage you check this out. Obama the fag has been stripping veterans of gun rights for some time. Recently they’ve been told their gun rights will be restored if they forgo their veterans benefits. I can’t see thing not exploding in the next year.

  2. I don’t need their safety. Mine rides on my hip. That’s what they’re trying to take away. It’s not a question of them providing safety. They are trying to make us victims. That’s not happening. And what the hell was VayJay doing there, besides have an orgasm while the fag tried to disarm us.

  3. The more I read of our founders the more impressed I am with their wisdom and courage. They are looking down at us and wonder if we have the wisdom and courage to turn this around.

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