It’s Come To This – MSNBC Hosts Correcting Moron Leftist Panelists That Say Extremely Stupid and Embarrassing Things On Air – IOTW Report

It’s Come To This – MSNBC Hosts Correcting Moron Leftist Panelists That Say Extremely Stupid and Embarrassing Things On Air

How far gone are you when an MSNBC anchor has to rein in your stupidity?

20 Comments on It’s Come To This – MSNBC Hosts Correcting Moron Leftist Panelists That Say Extremely Stupid and Embarrassing Things On Air

  1. I am dumber for having listened to this bint. If Trump is not the leader of the free world, then why did protesters in the UK pay thousands for some sort of Trump Baby balloon? Why did the Paris Accords fall apart when Trump pulled out? Why did the other nations at the G7 summit worry so much about what Trump thought and what he would do? When Trudeau steps on his dick, why do Canadian pundits worry that Trump won’t bail him out? Why is Canada upset about Trump’s stance on NAFTA, but Mexico chooses to negotiate? Why do immigrants put themselves at enormous risk to come here? Why did Kim Jong Il meet with Trump? Why did every other developed nation express concern and put Trump under a microscope when he met with Putin in Helsinki? Why is China continuing to negotiate a trade deal and granting concessions in the face of potential tariffs? Why is the UN pissing and moaning that Trump ignores them?

    Of course Trump is the leader of the free world: and the rest of the free world (and much of the non-free world) knows this.

  2. These people are so fucking stupid, it makes me sick, I remember reading an article years ago by a French Journalist who said that without America there would be no “free world.” Another foreign journalist wrote, again, years ago, “After America, where is there to go”? Then Mark Steyn wrote “America Alone.” What the fuck is going on? Have the communists won. Our education system is certainly compromised!

  3. That was me at 9.35 I hope President Trump attacks the Department of Education. Bring American History and the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and not just free speech and flag burning back into the curriculum I know. The Chinese and Russians brainwash students, We don’t (?) Why do we constantly criticize America in our schools?
    Is that brainwashing? Have these Antifa thugs been brainwashed?
    Why do the media constantly bash America?
    Even FOX has nothing good to say. Everything is negative.


  4. I see why people leave Nu Yawk
    for Flota.I would love to cut loose
    on that smug big city elite woman with
    my best redneck South Carolina blue colar
    beer breath rant… She & I live in completely
    different universes.

  5. Cynic- ““He’s not the leader of the free world, Angela Merckle is”
    Oh boy, stupid beyond belief.”

    yeah, what a leader she is.
    This is OT, but I’m dumping it here anyway.
    Most of the transportation bridges in Germany, both the old and new ones currently under construction, can’t handle the weight of a modern battle tank. In order for tanks to be moved, they need to be loaded on to railcars, then transported in that frame of the infrastructure. Let that sink in for a second. That is a big thing. Yeah, germany leads- maybe for about 20 minutes, if push got to shove over there.

  6. There will come a day when people look back upon this era of stupidity and be amazed that people actually thought this way. It will be known as the era of insanity.

  7. Donald Trump is not the leader of the Free World because:
    “He’s a junior player in a block of authoritarian countries”

    OK, do you see the way they think?
    They put “Authoritarian” on a pedestal to worship.


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