It’s Dad Jokes Time – IOTW Report

It’s Dad Jokes Time

I have a bumper sticker that says “Honk if you think I’m sexy”. Some days I just wait at a green light till I am feeling good about myself.

My Aunt bought a cured ham for her Sunday’s dinner. I have to wonder, what disease it was cured of?

What if there were no hypothetical questions?

Just so you know, last week I was diagnosed with a chronic fear of giants. The clinical term for it is Feefiphobia.

Ok, your turn!

70 Comments on It’s Dad Jokes Time

  1. Here’s a very dated Dad joke I remember from The Johnny Carson Show, from America’s divorced Dad himself.

    Imagine if Carmen Miranda was going to marry Yves Montand, but she had to brush out her hair first because it was so messed up from the fruit she normally wore on her head.


    She’ll be Carmen Miranda-Montand when she combs.

    (you may have to sing that last sentence to get it)

  2. I didn’t want to have kids so I got a vasectomy but when I got home they were still there.

    37 mathematicians enter a bus with only 36 seats. How do they do it? They carry the one.

    Why do North Koreans draw the straightest lines?
    Because they have a supreme ruler.

    A few cows were smoking dope and playing poker. The stakes were high that night.

  3. Why are some mothers so strong?

    From raising dumbbells…

    I told that in front of my 24 year old son and he said “you sayin’ I’m a dumbbell?”

    To which I replied “Your mother is strong in many ways but not that athletic… so maybe you were a roll of quarters…”

    That gave him a laugh

  4. Knock knock.
    Who’s there?
    Argo who?
    Argo fuck yourself.

    Dad told me that one when I was six. Of course, I told it to all my friends at school. Some kids’ parents wouldn’t let their kids come to my house after that.

  5. Dad joke huh. My oldest son got flooded out of his house here in NorCal. They’re living with us. With their two kids. I can deal with the kids and even his wife. I guess the jokes on me. Sheeeeeit. No end in sight.

  6. Knock knock!
    Who’s there?

    (every time I tell this one, the other person pauses right here, not knowing where this is going. It’s beautiful.)

    Fornication who?
    Fornication like this, you should wear a black tie.

  7. I asked my wife how she would rate my listening skills.

    She said, “You’re an eight on a scale of ten.”

    … I just can’t figure out why she wanted me to urinate on a skeleton…

  8. What’s the difference between and alligator and a crocodile?
    One you will see later, but the other in a while.

    Why don’t Jim Jones jokes work?
    The punch line is too long.

  9. My wife asked me if I had seen the dog bowl.
    I didn’t know he could.

    I asked my wife when her birthday was. She said “March 1st”.
    I walked around the room and asked again.

    Sorry, stole them off the Dad Joke compilation video.

  10. Wouldn’t hurt a fly unless it was open.

    Born in the streets of Albuquerque – drew a good crowd.

    If a stork delivers a straight baby – what delivers a gay baby? A swallow.

    Two gunfighters squared off in a town in Arizona. One was black. He was badly outdrawn and went down. As he was dying his opponent approached him and said ‘we don’t have a name for this town yet – any ideas?’ to which he replied ‘You muh …” His opponent said ‘that’s great thanks!!’

  11. Asked the wife for some Jewish wine.
    She said “I want to go to Miami…”

    I’m going to try Jewish foreplay tonight.
    Four hours of begging an pleading.

    How do you know when the Jewish woman has an orgasm?
    She drops her nail file

    I could go on but I’ve probably pissed off enough people already.
    (I wasn’t in the jewelry business for nothing…)

  12. An 83 yr old man goes to confession at the Catholic Church.
    The man says to the priest, “I had sex with two 19 yr old cheerleaders at the same time and I’m here to confess.”
    The priest says, “Well, my son. I appreciate that but you’re not Catholic. You don’t have to tell me that.”
    He says, “Oh, I know. But I’m telling everybody!”

  13. Little Dirty Johnny was walking in the park with his daddy and they saw a pair of dogs doing ‘it’. Johnny asked, what are they doing daddy? Making a puppy, he replied.

    Later that night, daddy forgot to close the bedroom door and Johnny passed by and saw what was going on and Johnny asked, what are you doing? Making a baby brother or sister Johnny, he replied. Johnny said, awe heck, flip her over dad, I’d rather have a puppy.

  14. OK, enough with the dad jokes already, dad jokes rule! I’d never heard the Claude Balls joke before, that one was particularly funny that I’ll have to tell that one to my son. And from my dad jokes calendar from the other day, What do clouds wear? Thunderwear. There can never be enough dad jokes ever.

  15. Here’s a vintage joke TRF – The railroad was expanding and an old Indian chief named Bowels was living in his tee pee right on the right of way. They offered him money – but he said ‘Bowels no move’. They offered him trinkets and squaws and buffalos and still – ‘Bowels no move’. Fed up and frustrated, someone came up with the idea of putting ex lax in his porridge. After about a month of this, Chief Bowels showed up at the local fort surrendering. After thanking him for his cooperation, the commander asked him why he changed his mind. Bowels responded – ‘Bowels have to move – tee pee full of schitt !!’.

  16. My girlfriend has one leg shorter than the other… her name is Eileen.

    How do you get Dragon Milk? Find a cow with short legs.

    What do you call a Chinese guy with one testicle? Won hung lo.


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