It’s Fun To Watch Indoctrinated Students Challenged In a Way That Their Pony-Tailed Professors Never Prepared Them for – IOTW Report

It’s Fun To Watch Indoctrinated Students Challenged In a Way That Their Pony-Tailed Professors Never Prepared Them for

This post is magically delicious.

I often use Lucky Charms to rub in Social Justice Warrior’s faces when they do what they do best – argue for social justice for a few select chosen groups. Their faux outrage has been programmed by their professorial $hitlords to respond to blacks, latinos, Muslims, gays and transgenders. That’s it.

Campus Reform asked college students how they planned to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?

Drinking! Going to bars!!

The interviewer then asked if they thought it was “cultural appropriation” to celebrate another group’s holiday by getting drunk.

What followed was priceless-




There were glances toward their friends as if to say, “what do I do? We were taught to be strident, over-confident scolders. This is challenging me. Help. I think, for the first time in my short self-sucking life, I might have been misled and, possibly, ill-informed?”

Yes, all of that was conveyed in one nervous glance.

This video is superb, and it shows exactly why some people get more conservative (AKA smart) as they exit their bubble.

image: BigTimeTeez

27 Comments on It’s Fun To Watch Indoctrinated Students Challenged In a Way That Their Pony-Tailed Professors Never Prepared Them for

  1. I can’t bear the stupidity.

    If the idiots being interviewed are representative of the generation to follow in our “leadership.” then the US is doomed.

    Just sayin’.

  2. If we took the word “like” out of the English language, they wouldn’t be able to speak! Good heavens–I think I am going to go eat a taco and some watermelon.

  3. Now that is a smart gotcha. Very smart to show how liberals kill all fun. If you buy into cultural appropriation, you got to go all the way. More sucks to be a liberal.

  4. Please tell me that they don’t represent the future of our country. Too bad Saint Patrick wasn’t here today to drive the Liberals out of the United States.

  5. Holy CRAP bcattin, I watched the “San Jose CA. (very attractive) Lady Gets Her First Johnson Technique Adjustment” video. It almost looked illegal. Does the CIA know about this technique?

  6. Hell yes it’s cultural appropriation. I make it a point to appropriate all the good things about other cultures. Thank you Irish for a day celebrating inebriation. Thank you Mexico for tacos and burritos and Cinco de Mayo. Thank you Asians for oriental cuisine. Thank you to all of the different cultures who contributed something that makes up the wonderful wide variety of American culture.

    And to you tribal progressives – piss off.

  7. 💢💢 WHAT’S THE PROBLEM? 💢💢

    All during black history month I put on my giant afro, baggy pants, dark make-up, get drunk on 40oz.ers with an oversized novelty pin on my shirt that says, “Yo bitch, f*** me I’m African.”

    No one ever said anything to ME about it because it was just being racially fair to everyone.

  8. Just started reading James O’Keefe’s book “American Pravda,” and he mentions how he used exactly this to have Lucky Charms banned from breakfast on St Patrick’s Day by the PC administration in his college.

    Hold ’em to their own standards…”thanks,” Alinksy!

  9. Jeeze Louise! It was absolutely painful listening to this — to them. I’d like to know the real percentage of kids this age who really are this dumb. I honestly thought critical thinking (or just garden variety curiosity) was hard-wired into the human brain. I know we read stories of people driving off ramps and so on because the GPS told them to, but it is horrifying to think all those parodies on The Onion are under serious consideration today by people who apparently don’t think for themselves AT ALL. Not even a spark of wit, as in: “Hey, I am Irish! I’m not appropriating anything!”

  10. Hey, if you don’t wear green on St. Paddy’s day, you get pinched.

    I don’t wear green ’cause I like to get pinched – by women (excuse to retaliate in kind!).

    And I’m about ½ ♣

  11. Well, like, you know, like, I don’t like “St.Paddy,” “St.Patty,” or “St. Pat,” no more than I like that ugly phucken Notre Dame mascot, but I can live with it.
    Saint Patrick, or Saint Padraig, is the patron Saint of Ireland. He converted the pagan Irish to Christianity, and it wasn’t snakes he kicked out, it was homosexuals and pagans. Now they are back full throttle with an openly gay Prime Minister. A couple of years ago the Irish, influenced by millions of American dollars, approved same sex marriage. Next April they will vote on approving abortion by repealing the 8th Amendment to the Irish Constitution. The money is pouring in to “repeal the 8th.”
    So Ireland needs our prayers and not a big piss-up on Saint Patrick’s Day.
    Happy Saint Patrick’s Day to all of you at iotwreport
    Don’t get me wrong, I’ll have a few pints, but at home.
    I’ll also have some corned beef, a wonderful Jewish meal.
    In Ireland they eat Leg of Lamb or Bacon n’ Cabbage, and spuds.


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