Macron on the Brink: Water Cannon, Tear Gas, and Stun Grenades as ‘Yellow Jackets’ Storm Security Cordons.
Riot police have deployed water cannon, tear gas, and stun grenades against protesters on the Champs-Élysées in Paris, France, as the “Yellow Jackets” stage their third major rally against President Emmanuel Macron’s “green” tax hikes on fuel.
This story is receiving regular updates below the opening passages.
The clashes on the famous avenue leading to Napoleon Bonaparte’s iconic Arc de Triomphe come as Macron is in Argentina for the G20, threatening to disrupt a planned trade deal between the European Union and South America’s Mercosur bloc over a disagreement with Brazil’s new president Jair Bolsonaro — dubbed the “Trump of the Tropics” — over a disagreement on climate change.

The French will riot over a gas tax hike but not when their politicians allow in an army of Muslims? Typical French cowards, Fear of being called racist makes them lay back and take it.
Maybe tell them Macron is a musim? lol
When do we get to use water cannons/stun grenades on the Southern border? We already use tear gas!
This is Waaay more than ‘yellow jackets’ protesting petro prices.
This is a mixed breed of malfeasance and mayhem in alignment like any other left wing neo liberal gathering a la Frachaise.
They DID help us out at Yorktown, after being blown off the shores of Rhode Island by a huge storm for the back up of the Battle of Newport. Rochambeau was very helpful marching down with Washington down there to Yorktown.
That said, WEEEE saved them in THREE WARS, if you want to include Viet Nam. Those pricks were even responsible for effing up Lebanon and other places THEY colonized.
Macron has grossly overestimated his prowess as a world leader.
I’m thinking he’s about to have his wee arse handed to him on a petit silver platter.
They should probably surround his throne and make him afraid to leave the palace. Or escort him to Elba.
Hey, Macron, what do you think about nationalism now?
We’re lucky the French are incompetent…Way back when, the
French Navy had a pretty good grip on the Americas…Then as
Fate would have it, the Admiral’s Flag Ship hit a Reef, then
fired all of Her Guns to alert the Other Ships of the danger….
They of course thought the Admiral was under attack, They
rushed in to save him…and all of the Ships hit the Reef…
Thus ending the French hold in the New World.
@ Ghost: Thanks for that post! I’ve been grinding my teeth for years about the disparity between our “lost investments” in the French (our losses helping bail them out in WW1, WW2, VN and the “cold war”) and their losses helping us only because we were fighting the Brits. I’ve been unable to learn how many French troops, sailors and ships were lost during our Revolution. Do you have a source?
C’mon, Bobcat … Napoleon had other things to worry about than the New World.
Frogs settled New Orleans, Detroit, St. Louis, Pittsburgh, and a couple of other places.
France committed suicide – disguised as a Revolution.
When not picking fights with cripples and retards, or being fucked by the Germans, they turn on each other. The abandonment of Paris in 1940 witnessed the Parisians fleeing south, only to be abused, raped, murdered, and extorted by their fellow Frogs – probably not France’s proudest moment.
They proclaim their commitment to socialism, elect socialist satraps, and then bitch that socialism sucks! I’d say it’s exemplar of Frogs, but I’d be wrong – we attempt the same foolishness, as did the Russians, the Chinese, the Balkans, SE Asia, California, New York, Illinois, Taxachusetts, Maryland, &c., &c., &c.
Ah, well … and so it goes …
izlamo delenda est …
Let him eat cake!
@ forcibly deranged –
According to the below Brit based site, about 200 at Yorktown. I attached a couple of other sites for French participation in the War. Not sure on total losses. It does not appear that a vessel was lost as a result of a battle, nor sailor loss of life but certainly had to have been at Yorktown or Savannah given the nature of the regiment fighting.
Glover participated in one of the three below…
Tom Paine barely made it out of pre-revolution France but for the direct help of Ben Franklin. I never understood his and Jefferson’s fascination with the French, aside maybe for the babes.
once boasted he would govern “like Jupiter”
Foul MSM again twisting context out of shape.
Real words were “he would be governed “like Jupiter”.
Big difference.
“Jefferson’s fascination with the French, aside maybe for the babes.
Must agree, Clinton’s only learned knowledge.
Monticello my A**