It’s Getting To a Boiling Point, This Constant Bashing of the President – IOTW Report

It’s Getting To a Boiling Point, This Constant Bashing of the President

A high school multiple choice quiz had a reference to shooting president Trump as one of its answers.

This has got to stop. Enough is enough.


The full question read:

“Napoleon has the gun fired for a new occasion. What is the new occasion?”

  • He was shooting at Trump
  • His birthday
  • For completion of the windmill
  • To scare off the attackers of Animal Farm. 

The online quiz was based on George Orwell’s novel, “Animal Farm,” according to parent Jim McCollum. He was a guest Monday on my nationally-syndicated radio program.

Mr. McCollum said he received a screenshot of the quiz from his son – a student in the class.

“This is not right. You don’t do that to a sitting president — you respect the office,” McCollum told me in a telephone interview. “They used Trump’s name — insinuating gun violence and shooting the president.”

McCollum said it was his decision, not his son’s decision to make the classroom quiz public. However, his son is facing the backlash.

“I received a telephone call from the school telling me they were putting extra security measures in place to protect my son,” he said.

“People are threatening violence against my son – simply for being a Trump supporter,” he told me.

McCollum told me his 16-year-old son is a big Trump supporter.

“He admires the man,” he said. “He thinks the president is a cross between John Wayne and Clint Eastwood — swagger and grit.”

His son is considering enlisting in the Marines after high school — and Trump’s position on the military was a key factor.

“He loves the president’s position – to have the biggest, baddest military on the planet,” McCollum told me. “That inspired him. He wants to be a part of that.”

Here’s a thought for teachers across the fruited plain — instead of indoctrinating the kids with your far-left political ideology, how about teach them how to parse participles and do long division?


20 Comments on It’s Getting To a Boiling Point, This Constant Bashing of the President

  1. Find out who the teacher is who created this mess, and go after them. Nothing big, just enough little stuff to wake them up; a broken window, a flat tire, just the little stuff.

  2. The kid has courage for standing by his views, but being threatened? As the father, he should be on that teacher and administration like a rabid wolf. They are just used to people being reasonable and not threatening right back. Let them feel some heat.

  3. The root problem is not the teacher. It’s the Leftist colleges and universities that produce this kind of educator that should be gone after.

    To use a Gulf War analogy, you can spend all your time attempting to shoot down incoming Scud missiles, or you can go take out the launchers.

  4. as usual Viet vet has a clear and concise plan of action. This liberal indoctrination of our children must stop. School boards across the country best wise up and move to the middle or the members will be voted out.

  5. None of this will change until parents find an alternative to government skools. Take your kids out now or else suffer their perversions at the hands of Leftists. The Left has thoroughly infiltrated public ed – they are the hands that rock the intellectual and emotional development of our kids. These are the people who are radicalizing future generations of American children and young adults.

    I’m grateful we could afford private education, but even then there are bad apples in the barrel. Know who your kid’s teachers are. I remember several arguments with a high school principal over Che posters and activists who are openly communist in their ranks. The principal was an idiot/fool who didn’t see the harm in it.

  6. If idiot conservative and libertarians ever got their act together they would remove their kids from public schools and universities, not buy from progressive companies, quit watching TV and going to the movies, and quit paying income tax.

  7. I’m generally a lurker here and don’t weigh in but I ahd to in this one instance.

    Teachers cannot teach students to ‘parse participles and do long division’ because most of them cannot do that themselves.

  8. I also am a lurker, but had to respond. My sister and I live in Canada, and we both think that the public education system will only be for poor people in 20 years. Middle class and higher will either home-school or send their children to private school. The local Christian school is adding a new building, enrollment is so high.

  9. Get on a school board and fire the teachers and staff responsible.

    (School board sign) “Big deal, no one pays attention to those!”

    –shoulda paid attention. It’s the most important election impacting you directly the most.

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