It’s Good To Be In the Party That Would Vote In Pond Scum – IOTW Report

It’s Good To Be In the Party That Would Vote In Pond Scum


15 Comments on It’s Good To Be In the Party That Would Vote In Pond Scum

  1. The FBI is taking pains to say Clinton is not the target of their investigation but rather the handling of classified materials is the target. Isn’t that like investigating why a car was traveling at 80 MPH in a 55 MPH zone without suspecting the driver had something to do with it?

  2. I can’t help but think this prosecution of hillary has all been cooked up and or promoted secretly by her husband in order to prevent her from becoming potus.
    I think he would much rather conduct himself out of the national spotlight of being first husband. he has no real loyalty to her, does he?
    he’s old, she’s ugly,
    he has a sweet something on the side he has to send home when hillary comes around.

    he would rather live out the rest of his days getting some from his new blond bimbo then getting his ass kicked from his old blond bimbo.

    somehow I think he thinks his life would be much better if hillary was in jail.

  3. The Feds always use that double speak, it’s standard operating procedure for them. Their investigations (white collar) usually go on for years and for many months before the players have any clue it’s been going on. But ultimately it’s impossible to keep the targets in the dark because the FBI is contacting people around them and banks etc… it can’t be kept secret for long.

    One of their approaches is by categorizing witnesses and targets desperately. Nobody knows in the beginning who is considered what to the FBI and of course hope that they are only a witness. You can go from a witness to target in the matter of one sentence spoken to an Agent or Attorney. On the other hand, the targets know who they are for the most part. They know what they have done. What they are trying to do is get those that are close to becoming targets to cooperate or existing targets to flip on someone else they want more.

    All of these rats know they are targets, they have and are presently committing crimes and defying court orders. The FBI is clearly doing this with at the very least, Obama’s “blessing” if not direction. So these FBI Agents know they have to be careful. They are putting their hands in Cecil the Lions mouth. If she survives she and Bill will come back and destroy them. And I mean ruin them. So they are predictably tap dancing around what they say. If they get the green light to take her down and know she is getting indicted regardless of who wins the election then they will mail her her Target Letter and she’s done. We really don’t know exactly what is going on and it’s hard to figure out because these people are so diabolical it can blow your mind.

  4. There is an upside. He would get insulated with another 60 man security detail and government jet. That lets him go back to his pedophile junkets fully protected again. Hillary continues to eat Huma and Bill gets the kids. Cool….

  5. Targets, my ass. The FBI is just as corrupt as the IRS, the DOJ, the EPA, and every other alphabet agency.

    This is called “smoke and mirrors” to confuse and deceive the public.

    NOTHING will come of this “investigation” that will harm Mrs. Clinton or her prospects or her vast wealth.

    I guarantee it.

  6. That’s true and I agree. I explained why I thi.k that in another comment. But I was really making the point here about the double speak they use. They are very crafty in general, it’s bred in them. No matter what ever happens she will not be punished for it. That is a fact.

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