It Was Inevitable That The Stupid Trump Would Emerge – IOTW Report

It Was Inevitable That The Stupid Trump Would Emerge

I don’t like John McCain. I think the guy needs to retire to the Jello factory. Having said that, Trump went too far with this stupid remark.

Of McCain, Trump said

“He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

Does this disqualify Trump as a presidential candidate? No.

Obama has said and done worse and there are people ready to make room for him on Mount Rushmore.

Joe Biden is going to run, fer cripes sake. Biden is an abject moron, a liar, a plagiarizer and a blissful bigot.

So, just be wary, we might have to cringe from time to time with Trump. He’s rich, but he’s not particularly bright.

Trump denied he made the remark. But HERE IT IS.

63 Comments on It Was Inevitable That The Stupid Trump Would Emerge

  1. Trump pisses off the progressive left, and is willing to bring up politically incorrect subjects.

    For now I’m fine with that.

    Is Trump presidential material… But then again, who is? It’s already been decided who is going to fill the slot in 2017. I’m not concerned with the bread & circuses – I’m more concerned with preparing for the swiftly coming conflict for survival, and I for one believe that there ain’t enough bullets and there ain’t enough rope.

  2. No matter what the circumstances are that got McCain captured, whether he incompetently grounded his own plane, or whatever, the guy did real time in the Hanoi Hilton.
    He was in solitary confinement for 2 years.
    Trump’s statement is assholish.

    I think McStain is a dangerous republican, but we can’t allow someone to denigrate war service because we dislike the guy now. It sets a precedent, a rotten one, where soldiers are open targets for derision based on what their politics are now.

    That’s unacceptable.

  3. Trump & Chris Cristie say a lot of bombastic things that aren’t always well thought out.
    Sometimes they hit their mark and people rally behind them.
    Other times they just say dumb things and pay the price.

    Neither will EVER be president of the USA!

  4. Trump is definitely a bull in a china shop.
    We like it when he’s smashing leftist plates, but be prepared to have to take it when he smashes some of your plates.

    He smashed some of my plates with his statements on Garland. But I haven’t dismissed Trump fully.
    I understand what the guy represents and I don’t at all mind him being on the national stage right now.

  5. When you operate a motor vehicle, you engage the gears, and THEN drive.

    When operating one’s mouth, one should engage the mind, and THEN speak.

    A minor fuck up, to be sure, but a fuck up, nonetheless; and a fuck up that was completely avoidable.

  6. ““He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

    My thoughts exactly. Especially when I see old cancer face saying stupid shit on TV. Is he a veteran that should be honored and shown respect like any other veteran? Yes.
    War Hero? Not in my opinion.
    Dakota Meyers is a War Hero.
    Chris Kyle is a War Hero.

  7. I am a veteran and it didn’t bother me in the least! John MCCain has lived off his service his entire life. None of my relatives who served in World War II, Korea, Viet Nam and other little scuffs (includes POW’s, DDay invaders, Paratrooper into Normandy, etc) ever used their service to reap anything! They served and then went quietly about the business of living and participating in American society!

  8. I agree 100%. Being in the military does not a hero make. I am a Vietnam vet, but not a hero. Hero’s are usually made by circumstance and reaction. He may have been captured twice because he is stupid…I haven’t seen or heard anything from him that would make me believe otherwise…jus’ sayin’

  9. I think Fur’s right: Trump’s comment
    is more assholishly stupid.

    However, the idea of putting Obama
    on Mount Rushmore – THAT would
    be monumentally stupid.

    ; }

  10. Everything you say that McCain went through makes me feel sorry for him…but, not view him as a hero. I am tired of him gettin’ off scott free because he did time as a POW…

  11. Yeah, it is interesting however that he was responding to stupid McCain. That guy makes sneering moronic, outlandish, and insulting statements (crazies, Wako Birds) about grass roots, conservative Republican voters and never apologizes! Since when does being a veteran get a person a free pass on incompetence, anger, double-crossing, double-dealing, arrogance, condensation and insults. Sorry, I voted for him but even an outspoken, dyed in the wool, Chamber of Commerce lackey and professional RINO was supposed to be better than a Democrat, remember!

  12. Trump’s statement was ill-informed or ill-advised.
    McCain served with honor, and his service should not be denigrated.
    But he is no longer a Conservative.

    I doubt Trump is electable, but he is stirring the pot.

    Cruz and Walker ARE electable, if they run smart, effective campaigns. And if they have backing of the RNC. (Which is doubtful as the RNC seems to be bent on losing elections these days.)

    The current state of affairs- demographics, media bias and education/indoctrination clearly favors Dem. lefty candidates.
    I think reaction is beginning, but it will be quite a while until effective.

    The hildabeast would be a shoe-in if she picked Jeb as running mate.

  13. Trump is the ONLY guy running that can burn this shit down and rebuild it. Everyone else will be one degree or another of the status quo.
    It kills me listening to these economic experts on TV talking about the new normal for our tanked economy. Fuck that. The only reason our economy is in the tank is because of the status quo.
    Burn it down.

  14. I don’t care in the least he was clowning mcCain. What bothered me was the last part,
    ” I like people who weren’t captured.”

    I get it was a jab at mccain, but that lumps in others who were captured, too. What the hell do THEY have to do with anything? Instead of denying what he said, he should have corrected himself.
    Now, McCain is going to collect the names of every MIA he can find and needle him with this. You know, the kind of tactics he reserves for republicans. Not Democrats.

  15. I’m not a vet. But I read alot. And as far as I am concerned, anybody who has been under fire and didn’t shit himself is a hero.

    Actually, even if he did shit himself, but stayed at his post and did his job – he’s a hero.

  16. Trump’s comment was spot on. McCain has fed off being a POW for far too long. He did nothing but his duty. His first wife was the hero, who stood beside her husband until he came home safe and dumped her for a newer model. McCain is a spoiled, ungrateful turd. There are thousands of others who lived through just as much hell as he did and don’t have to remind everyone about it at every turn.

    And I’ll stoke the fire a little more. In the First World War, Hitler was a hell of a soldier, receiving the Iron Cross. Does that make up for what came later? I think not. McCain may have resisted the communists who wanted to break him in person, but now he gleefully sells out his country to the same kinds of communists, who have exchanged their Mao fatigues for Brooks Brothers suits.

  17. You know, I’ve seriously started to wonder how much of McCain’s “heroism” is true and how much is PR.

    It’s hard to believe a true hero could become what this asshat has become without a couple of massive strokes. Cats don’t change their stripes.

    I’m not saying the allegations are true. But we know from his backtracking on amnesty before his re-election that he lies like a rug.

    Nobody knows for sure.

  18. Hero or not, he is a current day political P.O.S.

    However, Trump went too far and degraded ALL brave veterans that became P.O.W.’s in all of our wars with his asinine follow-up statement of, “I like people who weren’t captured.”

  19. I’m with ya’, but I will even go so far as to say that what I have witnessed from McCain brings into question in my mind whether or not his service record is accurate as portrayed. I am not saying it is not an accurate account, but with nothing more to go on I am no longer firmly convinced that it is what we are told it was.

    Yes I believe he was captured. Do I believe what has been said about his time in captivity? Not any longer. He has proven capable of the most underhanded, dastardly conduct and that I have witnessed. I’ll just say that any opinion of him based on what I have not witnessed is suspect, to say the least. A leopard can’t change it’s spots.

  20. Maybe Trump said it to piss off McCain more than anything. It may have been somewhat unbecoming to say, but McCain needs to shut his pie hole when talking about Trump. Trump has no problem insulting people, maybe that’s why he’s gaining in the polls. He says what people are thinking. I do think that Trump is brighter than Obama.

  21. I don’t know how you define a “war
    hero”, but think about this: Because
    McCain‘s father was a four-star
    Admiral and CINCPAC, he was
    offered early release by his North
    Vietnamese captors. McCain refused
    repatriation if his fellow POWs were
    not also given their freedom. Since
    he rejected the offer, McCain was
    regularly beaten throughout his
    captivity, sustaining lifelong
    debilitating injuries.

    McCain’s combat awards include the
    Legion of Merit with Combat “V,” the
    Silver Star, the Bronze Star, the Purple
    Heart, the Distinguished Flying Cross,
    and numerous campaign medals.

    Now, I would want to see what that
    mealy-mouthed weasel Trump has
    to stack up against THAT record
    before I would EVER begin to
    seriously consider anything he had
    to say about John McCain’s military

  22. I just asked DH what he thought of Trumps comment. Let me establish this first of all. DH served on the same ship as McCain during the Viet Nam war. McCain flew off the same aircraft carrier. DH and McCain served at the same time. DH laughed at the comment, it did not offend him at all. He said that he thought that Trump was poking McCain in the eye. He doesn’t see why it offends some and not him. I was married to DH while he served in the Navy, Trumps comment doesn’t offend me either, Maybe us oldsters don’t get easily offended. I’m more offended by the gay marriage situation than anything, but that’s a different subject.

  23. So you’re a McCain guy and if you were living in AZ you’d vote for him again? And do so primarily because he’s a war hero?

    This is probably a little extreme, but who said this?

    My men don’t surrender. I don’t want to hear of any soldier under my command being captured unless he has been hit. Even if you are hit, you can still fight back.

    And I’ll say it again McCain should be treated honorably for his service.

  24. I give eternal gratitude to anyone who serves his country, but McCain’s military service has been used as a shield from criticism for far too long and as far as I’m concerned his civil service has caused more harm than his military service did good.

    As for the repubs attacking Trump why is there never this level of outrage when we’re getting butt fcuked by Democrats. Also Franken said the EXACT same thing about McCAin.

    McCain calls his constituents (and the country) horrible names, his sh!t all over Sarah Palin and took the dem position on well, just about everything but mention his military service in a negative way and we go ballistic.

    I seriously doubt that Trump will be the nominee and its far too early to tell, but our country is swirling the toilet, and finally someone is willing to stand up and voice the frustrations Americans are feeling and willing to respond to stupid stuff our politicians have been getting away with.

    Trump represents the scrappy, fearless brashness which was once so part of the American spirit. Americans miss that and want it back.

  25. McCain has used up whatever cred being captured and tortured gave him. His behavior since has dishonored and disgraced the military, and the brave men who were imprisoned with him. but especially the men who died in that prison while he lived. Yes, he survived some shit, and yes he must have had some balls to do so, but that was then and this is now, and Trump is right to mock him.

  26. I have no more respect for McStain. Trump said what many people think, including vets. If McStain wants to be continuously looked at as a hero, he should act honorably. For all I care, Trump is right. McStain WAS a hero, but he is no longer. His actions NOW speak louder than anything he survived in the past.

  27. Exactly. I thought a hero was someone who saved another, put themselves in danger for another, etc. A POW, as much as I respect them and feel sorry for them and their loved ones, isn’t a hero in the true sensed of the word. Now maybe McCain did the latter, But of what I do know of his valor, doesn’t constitute heroism or adulation.

  28. I have looked back over
    my comments and cannot
    find anywhere where I said
    I was a “McCain guy”
    (I am not), or that I have
    lived in Arizona (I have not)
    or that I would vote for him
    for any reason (which I also
    have not). It is a common
    tactic of the Left to try to
    put words in other people’s
    mouths to make them look
    bad, and it is a maneuver
    which is not worthy of a
    Conservative, so I will give
    you the benefit of the doubt
    and assume you just
    misunderstood what I said.

    As far as fighting back and
    not surrendering, I would
    merely ask you what you
    might do if your aircraft
    were blown out of the sky
    and you found yourself
    surrounded in an enemy
    country, almost drowning
    in a lake with two broken
    arms, and being hauled
    out, bayoneted, and
    beaten with a rifle butt.

    Never mind, I already
    know the answer.

    I guess it’s just a shame
    that The Donald never
    had a chance to be
    honored for his Vietnam
    service awards. After all,
    he received four student
    deferments between 1964
    and 1968 while in college
    and an additional medical
    deferment after graduating.

    Truly, Donald Trump
    knows what it takes to
    define a “war hero”.

  29. Excellent comment and I agree completely! There is just about as much controversy around Juan McCain’s military career as there is around Obama’s birth certificate but his biggest problem now is that he is a career politician and that essentially makes him the enemy. As you point out he is a political chameleon and shifts whenever it profits him.

  30. Vietvet, You know to me at least the McCain that served, and the McCain that is in political office almost seem like two different people. I never served so I apologize if my comments were out of line. McCain started the name calling, Trump probably went a little overboard. Having said that I bet his poll numbers go up.
    Thank you for your service. Which brings up another point. McCain is in a position where he really could have helped out vets. He did nothing. And they’re still killing themselves at a rate of 22 a day. America has turned it’s back on them.

  31. Brad,

    Sorry I if seemed a little
    snappy there, but I really
    get steamed when guys
    like Trump go below the
    belt like that for political
    purposes. He could have
    come up with a lot of
    valid ways to attack
    McCain, but to impugn
    his military service was
    beneath contempt, at
    least in my opinion.

    Maybe I’m just getting
    old and cranky, like my
    wife says. Could be
    McCain is, too.

    God knows he has
    reason to be.

  32. No Worries Vietvet. I enjoy your comments here.They’re right on the money. I think we are just coming at it from different directions. I hope I didn’t offend you. America’s most valuable resource is our veterans. FYI my wife thinks I’m old and cranky too. WTF?

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