It’s Just A Mask – IOTW Report

It’s Just A Mask

h/t Different Tim

29 Comments on It’s Just A Mask

  1. Fuck a mask. I was mask shamed by a Karen at the store the other day, I told her to fuck off and she called the police. They told her no crime had been committed and they wouldn’t respond. She took my picture, I might be famous now.

  2. The clown didn’t scare me, the government does, but even they don’t scare me as much as the people. Yeah, in my neck of the woods only a small minority are obeying, so if I just wondered around here I’d think the people aren’t sheeple. Sadly though, I see the idiots in the big cities, which appear to be the majority wearing their masks. People in the minority in the cities share the videos all the time. Even this wouldn’t scare me if it was in blue states, but this is in red states.

    I see the idiots posting on FB that they’re going to shoot anyone without a mask. I see them sharing their videos of trying to start shit with those not wearing a mask.
    Personally, I’m perfectly fine with starting this war right now, better sooner than later before the mental disease spreads to my neck of the woods. Sooner rather than later when there’s not enough of us to fight.

  3. The key to how one person vs another person receives that message is, and the “Joker” stated it: critical thinking skills. That, and the ability to be honest with him or her self.

  4. Imagine teaching a class of preschoolers who are required to wear masks. Who are learning (through experience) that mask-wearing is a “given” in life. Who cannot touch each other. Who cannot share toys. Who cannot mix with the other children in school. Who talk about “the Corona” like it is a normal adjunct to living. And every toy is sanitized every day. And the sinks and toilets are wiped down after each use. And the playground has to be sanitized after every classroom goes outside.

    Welcome to California.

  5. the Rules of Etiquette clearly state the proper response to a Karen pretending they are Donald Sutherland in the end of ‘Invasion Of The Body Snatchers’* is:

    “wearing a mask is like putting up a chain link fence to stop mosquitos
    … you are truly dumber than a bag of hammers … have a nice day, Nazi”

    *reference: ending to ‘Invasion Of The Body Snatchers’

  6. I will go a bit further and say that there is a Masking and AN Unmasking going on here.

    Masking, in the obvious facial sense, but Unmasking in that what we here at iOTW, are see going on now, with the media, liberals, leftists and anarchists, have literally taken off their long worn out masks and have revealed themselves to be the crap that they are.

    The garbage, the haters, what they are, were GIVEN like a GIFT. But instead, burn it down to start over with Mao’s approval.

  7. PJ, I know those people, but it would do no good.
    You can’t wake those up who are terrified of a virus. You can’t make them see the problems with the tests, with those reporting the tests, with how the deaths were/are manipulated.

    If I have one more person tell me it’s for others and it’s just a minor inconvenience I’m going to slap the fear out of them.

  8. Things my friend and I were talking about in March. Just how slow are people?!

    Gate’s has plans to chip us all for this vaccine verification.

    I only worry about my grandchildren. I’ll be with the Creator of all at some point.

    But, I’m taking out as many as those that try to force me into compliance.

    My request to our new overlords:


  9. wearing a mask is only partially keeping you safe.
    if you really want to stay kung flu free you must wear a plastic bag over your head as well.
    don’t forget to cinch it tightly around your neck, those kung flu germs are very small and sneaky.

  10. @ Jimmy JULY 17, 2020 AT 12:18 AM

    Good. I don’t expect to live and others get to see the sacrifice the broadcasters will be making too.

    Why jam them? The world needs to be encouraged to resist and the perpetrators needs to know what they risk.

    You sound like you’re on bent knee already. Should keep that for the one true living God.

    If you haven’t asked Jesus into your heart and life, now’s a good time.


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