It’s Kennedy vs. Romney – IOTW Report

It’s Kennedy vs. Romney

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State Representative Mike Kennedy edged out the 2012 GOP presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, (winning 51 percent of the vote to Romney’s 49) for Utah’s open Senate seat this fall. Despite a massive campaign chest advantage (Romney had raised $1.68 million to Kennedy’s $289,00), the scrappy state representative was able to define Romney as “interloper.” More

Kennedy stated upon last night’s results “We’ve got 60 days to reach out to as many voters as we can.” More

8 Comments on It’s Kennedy vs. Romney

  1. Read an article by the gun hating
    Salt Lake City Trib excoriating Kennedy’s pro 2A stand. Since the
    Lefties hate him and he’s running
    against RINO Romney, what’s not to like?

  2. How much of that $1.68 million was from the DNC?

    I saw something saying Romney still had campaign money left over from his presidential run in ’12. So he has that going for him. – Dr. Tar

  3. “…even though Romney was able to put $1 million from his presidential campaign into the Senate race.”

    I don’t even want to know how that is possible. But I guess if you’re running for office as a profession, you learn all of these swampy tricks with slush funds.

  4. Personally, I’d LOVE to see another Conservative Kennedy in Congress, right along side of John Kennedy (Louisiana). Unfortunately I live in MI so unless a Communist-Dem somewhere can tell me how to “make my vote count”….

  5. Oh. Thank. God!
    I wouldn’t mind him as a neighbor, but I would LOATHE him as my Senator.
    There was the same debacle back in 2011, Sen Bob Bennett (a squishy GOPe RINO) thought that he was “entitled” to a third term……because. But the Utah Republican caucus decided otherwise, and chose Mike Lee to be the Republican Senator candidate (and he won). Needless to say, Bobby boi and his family weren’t too happy. I believe that Bobby Bennett and other squishy GOPe RINOs (and their DildoCrat handlers) are the ones behind the “Count My Vote”, SB54, which would change the caucus representative candidate selection system to a straight up democratic (mob rule, big money, stacked vote) vote candidate selection system.

    (a Utah resident)
    I wonder how my wife will take this when she eventually finds out? She likes Mittens, she thinks he’s a nice guy and should be Utah’s next Senator. (GAK!)

  6. I am not a fan of Bro. Mitt, but he is the popular candidate, despite my objections. When he announced his candidacy, all the viable, and by that I mean they are not total loons, bowed out.

    I don’t think SB54 goes far enough, but it’s a good start. The caucus/convention system is too easy to manipulate. Kennedy’s little coup is a good example of it.

    Rank and file Republicans in Utah have been complaining about the nomination system for decades. People who push to be delegates have an agenda and they often do not truly represent the wishes of their precinct.

    Smart candidates know that the the caucus/convention system is easy and cheap to manipulate. I remember the time Fred Lampropoulos tried to hijack the caucuses by encouraging(ordering) his employees to attend and aggressively seek a State delegate position to give him the edge in convention.

    Delegates love the special access, the free dinners, the pleading phone calls. I know I did. Threatening that privilege, that “specialness”, and the bruised egos that have resulted is what this convention revolt is about.

    Mitt’s people recognized right off that they would need to work both systems to avoid getting blindsided in convention. The fact that he made out if convention is proof of his viability as a candidate.

    The biggest loser in all this kerfuffle is going to be the State Republican Party. They are showing themselves to be run by a bunch of petty, petulant imbeciles. That’s not news to me, but it is high time the general public became aware of it.

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