It’s Leftist Fun to Be “R.C.T.A.” – IOTW Report

It’s Leftist Fun to Be “R.C.T.A.”

NBC News

Practitioners of what they call “race change to another,” or RCTA, purport to be able to manifest physical changes in their appearance and even their genetics to become a different race. They tune in to subliminal videos that claim can give them an “East Asian appearance” or “Korean DNA.”

But experts underscore that it is simply impossible to change your race.

“It’s just belief,” said Jamie Cohen, an assistant professor of cultural and media studies at Queens College, City University of New York. “It doesn’t ever really work, because it’s not doing anything, but they have convinced themselves that it works because there’s other people who have convinced themselves, as well.” More

If sex is just a social construct, why not another quality that is intrinsic to the individual, like race? -Dr. Tar

h/t – Mark Dice

19 Comments on It’s Leftist Fun to Be “R.C.T.A.”

  1. There is one very significant change that all these demonically deranged people actually accomplish, and it’s the same for all of them regardless of what they imagine they’re doing. It’s not changing sex, it’s not changing race, it’s not turning into a diaper-wearing fuzzy raccoon.

    They’re actually turning themselves into assholes. Really! Their only distinguishing characteristics are:

    — they stink really terribly
    — they emit large volumes of gas/hot air
    — their only substantial product is shit

    They need to be (ahem) wiped out.

  2. ^^^^ Another thought. After the National Divorce is complete, how will this asshat be able to afford to feed himself? Because he won’t be getting anymore conservative tax dollars.

  3. Race Card To All

    congratulations assholes, I hope this idiocy catches on. because you’ve now rendered the race privilege scam of the perpetually aggrieved to a big, fat Nothing Burger


  4. One of the purposes of leftist liberalism is fanatical altruism—-

    Unachievable and ultimately undesirable by those of sound mind and body with the knowledge that fantasies are merely whimsical imaginations of non-existent realities.

  5. @ jellybean AT 12:36 AM

    “One of the purposes of leftist liberalism is fanatical altruism—-“

    Progressivism, or leftist liberalism, is practiced by individuals with absolutely no capacity for altruism whatsoever. These individuals have never developed psychologically beyond the infantile stage. I’ve never experienced a better discussion on the topic than takes place late in this interview

    In the interview I linked to a Jordan Peterson goes into how what they suffer from is arrested development and anyone whose ever been around the worthless pieces of shit will recognize how what he’s saying is absolutely consistent with what they have experienced of the rotten sonsabitches.

  6. Would someone please explain to me in a rational manner how one changes their genetic makeup? It’s physically and medically impossible under any circumstances. And I don’t think that they’ve invented a gene transplant yet that changes your biological genetic makeup that you’re born with from XX to XY or vice versa.

  7. “I’m turning Japanese. I think I’m turning Japanese, I really think so…”

    that was an ’80s British slang term, referring to boys squinting just before finishing stroking their joke.

  8. Seriously – The people participating in all these new fads such as transgenderism and now thinking they’re changing their race are either mentally unstable or are indulging in a fantasy world much like young children. We have reached a point where reality and truth do not exist. With such a large percentage of the population participating in or advocating such behavior we have no chance at defending ourselves in the case of an attack by foreign actors. The last coffin mail is being provided by our own government in their promotion and advocacy for such insanity.

  9. Another aspect of SMMI (Social Media Mental Infection). It is transmitted by visual vector from a small handheld device to the brain. It is a ‘social’ disease as it takes contact with other infected persons to become exposed.

    People who have no contact with others suffering SMMI are at zero risk of contracting the disease.

  10. No God means no standards, no ethics. no morals, no decency, no reality.

    When you give your soul to Satan he will allow you to fool yourself into any contorted lie you wish, but in the end you will answer to the judgement of the Lord God Almighty and you will cast into the fires of hell where your master will ensure you are tormented forever.

    Enjoy those few delusional moments on earth you demon infested scum.

  11. Magical thinking, wishcasting, the narrative. All leftist and juvenile ideas. The prosperity theology people who take your donations and pray for your accumulation of wealth are preying on that kind of thinking. Leftists always prey on this kind of thinking, and some engage to such an extent they become swept up in the delusion that wishing hard enough will make a thing come into being.

  12. If you think about it, the nihilistic totalitarians have embraced the concept of transmogrification – that a thing can, of its own volition, become another thing (a foundational belief in many pagan and animist cults – werewolves, fairies, dragons, and shape-shifting magic spells included).
    This is the basis of their abortion stance, for instance – an ambiguous clump of cells can suddenly become a human being.
    And further:
    A man can become a woman.
    A woman can become a man.
    A politician can become a tiger.
    A little girl can become a wolf.
    Computer numbers in the FED can become wealth.
    A rock can become a tree.
    A tree can become a mountain.
    A mountain can become a mole-hill.
    Poorly written computer models can predict Globaloney Warming.
    A retarded pedophile can become presidunce.

    So it follows that a negro can become an asian – or a honky – or vice versa.

    Absolutely absurd, of course – but the more absurd, the more popular, apparently.
    These people are suffering a distinct disconnect with reality – which used to be referred to as “insanity” but in our age of “relativism” and overwhelming Satanic influences they try to pass it off as “normal” along with perversion, pedophilia, bestiality, pederasty, &c.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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