It’s not the guns… it’s the type of people holding the guns – IOTW Report

It’s not the guns… it’s the type of people holding the guns

Our murder rate in the U.S. is what it is because of cities run by progressives, lording over predominantly non-white populations.

Yes, I said it.

Bill Whittle’s best from 6 years ago-

ht/ naac

22 Comments on It’s not the guns… it’s the type of people holding the guns

  1. It’s the constant stirring of racial unrest, racial violence, and the general Democratic tactic of dive to conquer that underscores the Democratic party platform.

    To split families, states, and. Countries. Sad.

  2. Nope, it’s the people that should have guns that no longer do. You no that tired old adage an armed society is a polite society. Turns out it’s true and this country was born out of the muzzle of a gun and if your not carrying one every day, well, you might be part of the problem.

  3. America, and all its inhabitants, were quite peaceful with a minimum of hate….until Obutthole got into the WH and couldn’t resist stirring up the shit. In fact, it was his number one plan.

    Any doubts???
    Go look at the facts. Pitting American against American is crucial for the demise of America that will put the Satanic, Globalists in charge.

  4. We don’t have a gun issue in this country. We have a culture problem!
    A culture problem with a cleverly disguised “teflon wall of “racism” protecting it!

  5. About five years ago I did some research and discovered that in the United States, pockets of crime among various ethnic groups (and racial if you will) that tend to congregate in various areas of the country and cities corrolates with the types and severity of crime in these same ethnic groups’ countries of origin.

    Also, murder doesn’t require guns. And rapes, robberies, burglaries and bombings are very high in many countries in which guns are scarce, way outpacing “mass shootings”. I seem to remember that an awful lot of people in Rwanda were slaughtered with machetes.

  6. Thanks GOODNESS for the liberal investment of “shot spotters” around the city.

    Tells the cops PRECISELY where to go, to draw a chalk outline around a… “good boy”… 🙄

  7. How dare you confuse the issue with facts!
    Speaking of death rates in the US, do other country’s governments offer financial incentives to classify deaths as “Covid-related”?

  8. Demo-Commies will never stop chipping,hacking,
    pinching,gouging at our 2nd.Ever.Notice there
    is a new “round” of mass shootings lately?

  9. No God in schools who says do into others as you would have done to you. Add violence as a primary source of entertainment movies, video games, music.
    And what else would you expect? Saw it coming forty years ago.


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