It’s Obvious – The Right No Longer Wants “Politicians” To Represent Us – IOTW Report

It’s Obvious – The Right No Longer Wants “Politicians” To Represent Us

Shock poll in Iowa as Ben Carson is tied with Donald Trump and the top four slots are ALL taken by political mavericks

  • 56 per cent of Iowa GOPers want a presidential nominee with no political pedigree at all
  • Carly Fiorina in third place with 10 per cent; Ted Cruz in fourth with 9 per cent
  • Entire Republican political establishment relegated to third-tier status in mid- to low-single digits
  • First time since late July that a poll of an early primary state’s Republican voters shows Donald Trump not in first place by himself

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23 Comments on It’s Obvious – The Right No Longer Wants “Politicians” To Represent Us

  1. If the RNC cared, there could be no other conclusion they could draw.

    But they don’t care.

    The more I see of the real Republican Party in 2015, the more I hope we send them the way of a the Whig Party.

  2. I find it a hoot to watch the process this time. The establishment just does not get it, they are clueless that so many Americans, whether they used to proudly sport a R or D in the voting booth are simply fed up with the lack of positive output from DC. So when a Trump or a Fiorina or even a Sanders steps up says what people want to hear, rather than the lame ” don’t upset any group” babble that comes from most career politicians mouths, of course they will get support from the masses.

  3. The GOP forgets that this country was founded by people who said, “fuck you” to the ruling class.
    We sought out to erect a limited form of government.
    It’s taken the people way too long to realize that the dems and the GOP have formed an oligarchy where the elite “politicians for life” do not give a rat’s ass about them.

    The government is a beast, left or right.
    Let’s kill it.

  4. I was going to reserve my thoughts on the GOP nominee but I can’t any longer.
    If one of those RINO ass clowns is the nominee than the fix is in. I hope I am wrong but I am beginning to turn into a conspiracy theorist and there is the nagging thought that I have on the back-burner that says Rubio or God-forbid Bush will be the nominee due to some delegate excuse that they are going to prop up.
    I pray that I am wrong !

  5. As much as the RNC/GOPe would like to take Trump out, it is now obvious from within the GOPe party apparatus, via their establishment media network, they are increasingly recognizing they just can’t take him down.

    As an outcome of accepting this reality, it appears a new plan is in the works to promote an alternative and attempt to split Trump’s coalition. The most obvious candidate to do this is Ben Carson (next would be Carly Fiorina).

  6. I hope the NRA-ILA is paying attention to this. The powers that be in that den of iniquity have become just as insular and bureaucratic as the eRepublican machine politicians and don’t do any better job of representing the interests of their base than do the eRepublicans.

  7. Hear Hear!

    I call a toast. All who agree lift a glass in one accord.

    For once we can all agree on one single thing.

    A riotous command to all inhabitants of the region known as Washington DC.

    To all who pretend to govern and all who fellate those with power, we beseech you to summarily fornicate with thyself in a rigorous fashion and then shuffle off this mortal coil.

  8. Someone I used to respect and believed was truly conservative has come out as a big Yeb supporter. He actually used the phrase “Jeb Derangement Syndrome” and considers him a great conservative candidate. I couldn’t believe what I was reading. He and one or two others have begun devoting their FB and Twitter feeds to bashing Trump and all of us abject morons who like him (in their not-too-humble opinions). If nothing else, Trump has flushed out the establishment hacks like nothing I’ve seen in years. They’re in panic mode, and deservedly so.

  9. No More Lawyers!!

    Every phony survey (donation scam) the Republican Party has sent me was sent back to them with a big “fuck you, get off your lazy asses and do your job — impeach 0bama now!” message written in black marker across the full length of it.

    They are finished, and the sooner they are dead, the sooner we can stop paying them for doing absolutely nothing for America.

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