It’s Official – Openly Retarded Man Is Running For President – IOTW Report

It’s Official – Openly Retarded Man Is Running For President

Watch this woman jerk away from Biden as he puts his hands on her face-


18 Comments on It’s Official – Openly Retarded Man Is Running For President

  1. I wonder if the University of Delaware will actually release all those 1800+ secret boxes of his records before the election campaign as they are scheduled to do or find some reason to put it off till after?

  2. LOL! Poor guy.
    Anyway, he started his campaign with a lie. (surprise!) He repeated the lie about Trump saying the white power morons were fine people.

    Here’s what Trump actually said.

    “Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”

    “I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.”

  3. Wow, depending on how the traitorous, anti-American, Marxist party’s primaries go, we could have the first retarded major party candidate for President or the first native American candidate. We’ve already had the first female candidate, the first gay candidate (Obama)the first Muslim candidate (Obama), and first half-black candidate. There won’t be many firsts left. Just Hispanic (oh, wait, I forgot about “Beto”– if pretending to be Mexican counts…) and Asian.

    Actually, Biden could claim 2 firsts: first retarded and first pedophile.

  4. Joe Biden should pick Hillary Clinton as a running mate…
    He would have to worry about growing a lot older,
    She would be able to partner herself from Treason and other crimes.

  5. The first thing I heard this morning was my daughter laughing and making fun of Joe Biden with his announcement that he’s running for President. Good kid, she doesn’t like Biden either. And I wonder if Biden doesn’t have old guy syndrome making sure he doesn’t dribble and pee all over the front of his pants. Just wear Depends Joe to solve that problem

  6. What would compel a human being to reach out and touch the face of another human being that one is not intimately known to them? It is an unsanitary practice as well. Blech! I don’t touch my own face unless I have just washed my hands. But, I am a bit of a germaphobe. You wouldn’t rub your face on a doorknob for instance, but some old perv walks around touching germ ridden objects and then touches your face. NO! Just. No.


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